Wedding guest (Taylor)

Taylor came to me one morning after the pool party and mentioned about an upcoming wedding she and her ex rsvp to before well they split thanks to me. She mentioned that a friend of hers from high school was planning on coming up for the wedding and she was hoping the friend could spend the weekend with us before going back west. I told her that would be fine but her friend had to accept the rules, she rolled her eyes at me and asked if I was being serious. I told her that I was, ugh she said as she knew she’d have to explain her new relationship to her friend. She also asked me if she could go and get a new dress for it as the dresses I bought her when she moved in weren’t exactly formal dresses. I told her we could probably work that put and I also asked what I would be having for dinner? Since I didn’t get to pick it… she told me it was going to be a chicken dish, I could live with that I told her. I took Taylor shopping and got her a new dress and heels that should look fantastic in my opinion, and we went to go and pick up her friend at the airport.

Pool (Taylor)

Having gone through hosting my sister well Taylor was beginning to get more and more excited about the prospect of meeting more of my family fully. Taylor knew it would be a pool party hosted by an aunt and uncle of mine and came to me a few days before asking about what she should wear as when we went shopping a few weeks prior I didn’t get her any bikinis or things that would be appropriate for a pool party. I went over a few potential options with Taylor and told her I’d order everything she needed once she made a decision on what she wanted to wear. Still barely talking to most of her family after her decision to go with me instead of her baby daddy Taylor really wanted to make a good impression with my family so she asked me what felt like a million questions and so fourth about topics to talk about ect ect ect. Finally the day of the picnic came and Taylor went to get herself ready, she came back down in the outfit we agreed to. Starting from the top she had her hair back in a ponytail, she was wearing a tank top with bikini underneath, Jean shorts, patriotic knee high socks and a pair of white vans completed her look. It was fantastic in my opinion as we got into the car and headed off to the party.

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Game night

Sitting around talking with Alex she suggested about having a game night since it seemed like everyone was getting along so well at this point. She specifically said about playing cards against humanity, I told her that sounds good but I’d want to do it on a day her dad didn’t work so he could definitely make it over this time unlike the last time we tried having them over for dinner. Alex agreed that this was a good idea and was going to mention something to her sister Kylie about it when she got back from college that day. I told her it was a great idea before giving her a kiss, a list of goals for herself for the day and went off to work. I came back from work and Alex was in process if telling Kylie about the game night and she asked if she could bring someone, absolutely I told her, as long as they agree to the house rules. She smiled and told me they would, okay Kylie I told her as I went about my evening.


The girls and I were sitting around eating breakfast, we heard their dad Rodger trying to get free. Pam couldn’t be heard since she was still gagged from the night before. I went upstairs to check on them, Rodger told me they were okay but he definitely had to pee and likely so did Pam. I worked on untying them from the bed but I did tell Pam to leave her gag on and once they were ready the could come downstairs and I’d remove her gag there. They came downstairs still wearing only the socks they slept in from the night before and sat down to hang out and eat some breakfast. Rodger and Pam had the goal of making it to church this morning and wanted the girls and I to come with. Kylie undid her mom’s gag and Pam for the first time since yesterday spoke. She thanked me for the orgasms of last night, she hasn’t had orgasms like that in years since Rodger seemed to stop caring about her pleasure. I told her she was welcome and I do my best to take care of her daughters as well. “Daughters?” She says, yes Daughters I told her. Pam looked at both of her naked daughters and noticed they both had cum running out of them from when the three of us awoke.

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Parents sleepover

With Alex’s parents now in contact with me and Alex and Kylie being willing to meet up with them we had to work out the details. Eventually they agreed to come over for lunch after they left church on a Sunday. I got a text message from them the morning they were supposed to come over, they told me the church had a group prayer for them and prayed for a positive reunion with their daughters today. I rolled my eyes and didn’t respond. At around 1pm there was a knock on the door, I went and answered it. As they said they were there for lunch so I invited them in and we walked to kitchen where Alex and Kylie had been drinking a bit, they were nervous about this lunch with their parents for the first time in a while. Their parents rounded the corner into the kitchen and immediately stopped in their tracks, “what are you girls wearing?!” Their mom blurted out. “House attire” Alex responded with confidence. “House attire is naked??” “Yes”.

Parents calling

I awoke this morning and rolled over, immediately smiling seeing Alex sleeping beside me naked. As I sit there and look at her a bit I can see my bite marks on her breast and a simple “daddy’s” written on her just below her breasts from the night before. I let her sleep and get up and go downstairs to get a coffee. Kylie Alex’s sister has been staying with is and had Nikki over last night, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee, hot and black. I walked into the living room so see Kylie sitting there naked with her own cup of coffee, she was sitting criss cross apple sauce like I remember her often doing the first time I dated Alex, but this time it was on my couch naked. I couldn’t help but look and notice how much she looked like a younger version of her sister. I sat down next to Kylie and asked her if she had a good night. She told me yes, and that Nikki was still upstairs sleeping. Nikki came down not long after I joined Kylie, Nikki was already dressed and gave Kylie a kiss and said she had to get to work and left.

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Sisters 1st

I awoke late this morning, I was awaken by my dog jumping up on to the bed and half nudging me out. Groggy I sit up and I hear my girlfriend Alex downstairs giggling, listening a bit more as I sat there I hear Kylie giggling with her. I had half forgotten that she was staying with us, but I got my shower and went downstairs for the day. Alex saw me coming down, she was sitting at the table with her sister and they had just finished breakfast. She asked me what I wanted for breakfast and I asked for just some eggs and fruit, trying to make it easy for her. She got up and started making my breakfast and her sister Kylie got up and started to clean up from their breakfast. “Nice thigh highs” I said to the girls, both turned and thanked me. They were wearing a matching pair of purple thigh highs and it definitely worked with their skin tones and looked good. Alex started up the stove and began to cook, Kylie went off to another room to relax a bit.

Sister moving in

Alex and I awoke, she rolled over and gave me a kiss and said thank you. I looked at her confused as to why she was saying thank you. She told me she was thankful for me being understanding and defending of her sister coming our as bisexual to us and letting her stay since their parents were far from understanding. I told her of course, someone sexual preferences are not a reason to throw them out or anything like that. She then asked me what she should wear today since her sister would be spending the foreseeable with us. As I was leaving the room I told her whatever she felt comfortable in. I went out and poured myself a cup of coffee and went out to the deck. To my surprise when I got out there I saw Kylie sitting there in her jeans and t shirt she came over in from the night before sipping on her own coffee. I told her good morning as I sat down and started drinking my own coffee and listening to the creek my house back up to it was just a calming experience.

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Alex and I had been dating a few weeks now, and she mentioned about having Nikki over for dinner again. I happily agreed to the idea because I enjoyed spending time with Alex and Nikki. Alex prepared a fantastic ranch chicken with potatos and veggies, a good healthy and filling meal. Nikki arrived dressed a little nicer then the last time as she came directly from work, Alex asked her to only leave on her black stockings and heels. Nikki did as she was asked and sat down to join us, she noticed Alex was tied down to the chair. Nikki looked confused and asked about it, Alex explained this was to help with posture for her as well as she knew I personally enjoyed the way it looked. Alex offered to have me tie Nikki to her chair as well. After a moment of hesitation Nikki agreed to be bound to the chair. I got up and grabbed some more rope to tie Nikki to the chair.