Come Over part 2

Part 1 here:

Come over from Erotica

Part 2:

My hands reach forward onto her shoulders, I guide her back so she’s laying on the bed, sliding my hands down her body I pull her pink lace knickers down to her ankles. I crouch onto my knees, her long smooth legs slightly spread. I start with a kiss on the top of her foot.

From there I slowly move up, ankle, shin, knee and then onto her inner thigh. As my lips touch her skin I can hear her breathing, I can sense she’s enjoying it. I use my tongue to move up closer to her pussy, but before I reach it I stop. My mouth turns right and i use my teeth to gently bite. I don’t want to taste her yet, I want to tease her.

I lean my mouth close to her clit but just before it touches I exhale my warm breath on her and move to the otherside where I kiss softly, still teasing. This time though our lips touch but only just, a soft light touch. My hands running up and down her legs squeezingly slightly as they move, spreading her open and closed a little as they move. Her breathing is getting heavier.

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Come over

Beep, my notification goes off and it’s a message from her. She sent a picture, a selfie I think as we tend to send them all the time. I open it up and there she is, but I can’t see her full face because the camera is angled down from up high, her tongue is out and chest is in full view, she is on her knees in just pink lace panties.

My heart jumps, I know we’ve been talking for a while but I wasn’t sure she was ready for this step. There’s text in the photo and it reads “I need you here now, my mouth needs you”. I leave it open for a while, it just plays continuously as I stare down at her beautiful body.

I take a selfie and reply with “I’ll be there in 10”. I quickly get my shoes on, spray some deodorant, grab my stuff and leave.

I knock on the door, she knows it’s me. “Come in and lock the door, I’m in the bedroom” she calls out. I do as I’m told and head to the bedroom. As I get to he door I can smell she’s been burning a candle, coconut scent. She’s on the bed, on her knees waiting for me to come in.

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13, 14, 15. I count in my head my reps for squats done, I think it’s doing the job, I feel like my ass is getting some shape to it. She walks in, long pink tights, black singlet top, the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen. Green eyes, long legs, a gap to die for and long straight brown hair with a slight silver shade to it.

After putting her stuff away, her headphones in, she walks over to an open area and starts to stretch. Her hands reach down to her toes, her add in the air, as she’s leaning down I can’t help but look. I think she spotted me, no she did, she totally spotted me. I go red but as I do she turns around smiles and winks at me. My heart skips a beat.

I continue with my workout, almost done. There’s only a few people left in the gym tonight, it’s getting a little late. A little time later I head to the showers to freshen up before heading home.

The shower is hot, the heat making my skin red. I hear the door open, looking over it’s hard to see who it is but I do see what looks like pink coming towards me. It’s her.

Toy Shower

The hot water running down my body washing away the long day it’s been. My skin starting to go red with the heat. You open the bathroom door, naked with some toys in hand, I smile at you as the look on your face tells me I’m in for some fun.

You open the shower door “hands up, facing the wall, legs spread” you say to me. I do as I’m told, I lean against the wall my head resting on my hands, legs spread. “Close your eyes, no peeking” you say, I do as you say.

The water now running down my back I can feel your hand move over my lower back down, you squeeze my ass and I can’t help but smile as you always said you liked my ass. While that hand squeezes I feel your other hand move to my cock, it goes hard almost instantly as you start to stroke it.

I can’t see what you’re doing but I can feel one of the toys, it start a to spread my cheeks, I smile as I know what’s coming. It reaches my ass as you push it in, I relax the area so you can move it in with ease. Still stroking my cock you turn the vibration on, my senses start to overload as you move the dildo in and out of my ass.

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Kitchen Aid

You’re in the kitchen, I can hear the sound of the water boiling and the exhaust fan. I quietly walk up behind you, you’re facing the stove stirring some rice. My hands start at your hips, I slide my right hand to the front and down your pink trackies and under your knickers. I put my fingers between your lips, freshly waxed you’re so smooth.

I lean into your neck and kiss it softly. “Stop it” you say as you let go of the fork and your head leans back into me. We kiss on the lips now, I don’t think you really wanted me to stop. You’re getting wet as my finger goes in and out of you.

You turn around to face me, my hand comes out and I slide your trackies down. Wrapping my arms around you I lift you up and put you on the edge of the bench, my hard cock poking out of my pants. You push my pants down a bit so I’m in full display. I move forward and my cock slides into you, luckily the bench is the perfect height.

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I don’t know you

I open my eyes, the room is fuzzy and I can feel something in my hand. It’s some kind of tube, I look up and it’s attached to a bag. I think I’m in hospital. I don’t know the time, but the sun is starting to set when I notice the door opens and a woman walks in.

She has brown hair with silver highlights, a pink singlet top on with a washed look denim skirt. “You’re awake!” She says as she walks to the side of the bed and grabs my hand. I don’t think I know who she is, but she’s got a wedding ring on. “I.. uhh.. where am ?” I manage to stumble out. “Honey I’m so glad to see you. You were in a car accident and you’re in hospital, you’ve been in a coma for 4 days” the woman tells me. She called me honey, I think she’s my wife, and she’s so beautiful.

“I can’t remember anything” I tell her, she let’s go of my hand and goes to close the door. She clicks the lock closed and comes back to my bedside “I’ve missed you so much, let me help you remember” she says.

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Take a chance with coffee

It started with a follow, social media is a great ice breaker. I scrolled through her photos, I went slowly because I didn’t want to accidently like a photo of her from years ago, didn’t want her to notice I’d be stalking her life. I’m sure she did the same to mine.

I see her every week and I still get butterflies in the tummy even though we talk, even though I’m comfortable with her and she with me. I can’t quite put my finger on why we’ve clicked but I do so very much like it. I wonder if she feels the same.

We hugged the other day, I was telling her about a milestone I had and she leant in a gave me a hug, the smell of her perfume was so good, her body pressed against mine, I wish it would have lasted longer. I think I might ask her for a coffee, she’s always holding one so I know she likes it.

She said yes, we’re going for coffee at 2pm tomorrow, she said at her place, I was shocked, I thought we’d go to a cafe. But now I have her address and phone number I don’t think this could have worked out better. I bet she did stalk my profile, I know she did.

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Party boat

So this is actuallya continuation of sorts from my previous story. It involves the same people. Read here:


Now I remember why I don’t like boats, it’s not the rocking or swaying, not knowing what’s below me freaks me out. I didn’t want to come to this Christmas party but free dinner and drinks and peer pressure were too hard to ignore.

Time to get myself another drink. I head to the bar and grab a drink from one of the trays, as I do I accidently bump someone else’s hand, I apologize straight away and turn to look and there she is. I’m frozen still in the moment as I realise the girl from the trail is standing right in front of me. She smiles at me and says “no problem” winks and walks away disappearing into the crowd before I have a chance to say anything else.

I have to find her, I forget about the drink and make my way through the crowd in the direction I saw her go. There’s lots of people around the bar area, I get to the door leading to the deck and I see her through the window, her back to me but her shape instantly recognizable in a long dark blue silk dress.

Morning Run

The alarm sounds to start the morning, you reach for your phone 5.15 it says as you hit dismiss. You sit up and stretch, mornings are not your favourite time or the day but your new routine is doing wonders for your physical health. You get up and get dressed, running shoes on and headphones in you head out the door.

The morning is cold and I can see my breath, there’s layer of for slightly below the street light you stand under as you use it to stretch, your muscles taking longer to wake up today so a slow jog to start with is the plan. You wonder if you’ll see her this time.

You start your jog, down the street and onto the trail. Your usual route will take you through the forest, it’s so peaceful there and this early there is usually only a couple people on the trail with you. You hope she’ll be one of them, I’ll say something this time you think to yourself.

The fog is below the trees, it’s quiet under here with only the sound of your footsteps hitting the dirt path. Suddenly you hear more steps in the distance, it’s hard to see but you can hear. They match yours, could it be her? You keep going then the sound stops, your heart drops.

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First date

You look in the mirror, you’re doubting yourself again. Is this the right colour choice, is that a crease I see, which jumper should I put on, do I smell nice enough, will she like it? Will she like me?

You close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. One, be yourself. Two, smile. Three, have fun. You check your watch, 7.35, it’s time to go. You grab your stuff and head out the door to start your car.

You’re meeting her for drinks at a bar, this will be the first time you meet her in person. You order yourself a spiced rum to calm your nerves, it’s 7.58 and your heart starts beating faster. You can feel the butterflies start to move as your eyes are fixated on the doorway.

A couple minutes goes by and you finally see her, she’s in skinny black ripped jeans and has a tight black top on. She’s taller than you imagined, above average for most women. Her hair is brown and flows down straightened below her shoulders. She smiles at you as she raises her hand to acknowledge she’s noticed you there. Your heart beats faster still.

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