“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Five of eleven [MF. Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


After two weeks of living on Midwood Road, Ben Jacobs wished more than ever that he was back in the city. His mother had at least managed to make friends with Sharon Thompson, but other than the few other stay-at-home mothers in the neighborhood there was no one around during the long hot days. Without a second car he had no way to get into town when his father was at work, which seemed to be always, and Ben hadn’t been able to find a summer job.

He missed his girlfriend, Billie.

He was sitting on the front steps of the new house with his laptop one morning when C.J. loped across the lawn from next door. “Your mom home?” C.J. asked.

“She’s out shopping somewhere,” Ben answered. “What’s up?”

C.J. flipped the pastel green envelope he held in one hand and rolled his eyes. “Mom’s got me passing out invitations to some ladies yard party of hers. What you doing?”

“Looking for a job.”

C.J. glanced at the laptop. “Online? Nah, man, you got to look in the Gazette.”

“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Four of eleven [MF. MFF, Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


“You feeling better now, honey?” Sharon asked.

Melissa sat hunched forward on the edge of a deck chair staring fixedly across the still surface of the Thompsons’ pool. She took a long, slow sip from the moisture-beaded glass cupped in her unsteady hands. She couldn’t bear to look either Sharon or C.J. Thompson in the eyes.

“I-I’m so sorry,” she stammered after a long while. “I didn’t mean to spy. I just…that is, I didn’t…” She gave up trying to find the words. Her head swam, and not from the rum.

Sharon gave a little laugh and tossed her head. “Hon, we saw you as soon as you came out through the glass doors. I kind of owe *you* an apology, for throwing you in at the deep end that way.”

“Throwing me—you *wanted* me to see you together?”

“Did you really think us Mayberry folk just leave our doors unlocked all the time?”

Melissa lifted her head to peer curiously at Sharon. The blonde sat cuddling with her son in a double chaise lounge, she wearing a short terry cloth robe and he with a beach towel wrapped and knotted loosely about his waist.

“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Three of eleven [MF. MMF, Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


The LED sign in the main parking area at Oakmore Valley Resort read “Oakmore Welcomes the Regional Broadcasters Conference.”

The convention had already been in full swing when Tom Jacobs had arrived this morning. Nearly overwhelmed by the logistics of jumping into his new job with so little preparation, he was relieved to find that Amber Harvey, the resort’s events coordinator, had everything well in hand.

Tom was surprised that at just twenty-three years of age Amber was able to execute the responsibilities of that job with such confidence and efficiency. On a personal level, he was delighted that she was also a knock-out: tall and slender with long, shapely legs and silky auburn hair which tumbled down past her shoulders.

“Are you finding everything you need, Mister Jacobs?” Tom looked up from his desktop monitor to see Amber standing in the doorway of what now was his office.

“It’s a lot to take in all at once,” Tom replied. “I’d have liked to have had some kind of hand-off from Stewart. You’d think the man was running late for a space launch or something.”

“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Two of eleven [MF. Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


“Hey, be careful with that, Champ!” Melissa Jacobs called out to her 18-year-old son. “It’s Grandma Katie’s china!”

Ben Jacobs paused in the middle of the wide front lawn of the big house with the “SOLD” sign still planted at its curb, nonchalantly balancing two stacked cardboard boxes. “Mom, we eat outta microwave trays.”

“It’s an heirloom,” Melissa chided, striding down from the front steps where she’d been struggling to unlock the door with a newly-cut key. She took one of the boxes from Ben and set it on the grass. “It’s precious,” She reached up to tousle his dark curls. “Like you.”

“Ah, Mom!” Ben ducked his head and looked past her. “I can get it.” He grabbed the key from her hand and bounded away up the long front walk. Naturally, the door popped open for him on the first try and he quickly disappeared into their new home.

Honeymoon With Mom by Tad Overdon – links to all chapters in r/erotica [FM, FF, FFM, FMM, Incest]

*Thanks! – Tad Overdon*

[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ht67co/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hthxj0/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/htkgx5/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Four](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hu1dit/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Five](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hu5z5p/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Six](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/huj7xb/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Seven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/huqxb9/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Eight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hv57dz/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hvh78d/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Ten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hvs0hv/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_chapter/)

[Chapter Eleven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hvx6ur/honeymoon_with_mom_an_80s_porn_tribute_final/)

Mothers Gone Wild – links to all chapters in r/erotica [FM, FF, FFM, FMM, Incest]


[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hwd721/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hwfkjy/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hwleyx/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Four](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hwyo29/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Five](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hx4e3a/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Six](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hxkw4f/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Seven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hxpfbo/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Eight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hy50sm/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hy7wch/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Ten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hypeak/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

[Chapter Eleven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hyv6ko/mothers_gone_wild_another_homage_to_80s_porn/)

Mothers Gone Wild – another homage to 80s porn paperbacks – Chapter Ten [FM, FF, FFM, Incest]


“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Aldrich” the young woman seated at the reception desk apologized. “Doctor Norman is running a little behind in his schedule this afternoon. I can reschedule you for another day if you like, but you are his next-to-last scheduled appointment for the afternoon and if you have time to wait…”

“Oh, I’ll wait. I understand completely.” Lucille said, smiling. The receptionist, whose name badge read “Paige,” was blonde, pretty, and apparently new to the office staff. As Lucille sat down on a Barcelona chair and opened a well-thumbed old issue of *People*, she couldn’t help wondering how intimately acquainted Paige might already be with the special services offered by Norman’s private practice.

The thought sent a sexual thrill through Lucille…but then, nearly constant arousal seemed to have become a fact of life for her in the last month. The more sex she got, the more she craved. She’d amused herself for several afternoons with her son and Luke Gable. Then, with their cooperation she’d added Brandon Crane to her growing stable of young studs.

Had it been only a few weeks ago that she’d been living the drab life of a frustrated, middle-aged small town grandmother? It seemed years now.

Mothers Gone Wild – another homage to 80s porn paperbacks – Chapter Eight [FM, FF, FFM, Incest]


Jamie Carter sat waiting alone at a table near one end of Greenleaf High’s cafeteria. She was dry-mouthed with fear. She’d been filing student records in the school office twenty minutes ago when she’d received a text message on her phone. The message was from a number she didn’t recognize, and read simply:


There was an attachment to the message: a picture of Jamie herself, taken from the point of view of a young man whose cock she was blissfully sucking.

She didn’t recognize the dick in the photo. It could have belonged to any one of half a dozen teen boys, all of them students at Greenleaf.

Now she sat nervously checking and rechecking her phone for further messages, torn between cold fear and anger.

Anger, at the blatant attempt at blackmail: which of her willing, eager fuck partners thought they could wield power over her this way?

Fear, at the prospect of public humiliation and the possible loss of her job and family. Jamie had no idea what she could do to protect herself if Luke or Bobby or Brandon or any of the others wanted to blackmail her now.

Mothers Gone Wild – another homage to 80s porn paperbacks – Chapter Seven [FM, FF, FFM, Incest]


Lucille pulled Luke Gable’s tee shirt up off of his broad chest and over his face, momentarily trapping his arms above his head. She pushed him playfully up against her bedroom wall, running her hands down the sides of his torso and over his sharply defined abdominal muscles. Reveling in playing the aggressor, she kissed his belly then trailed her tongue upward across his chest. She captured one of his nipples between her lips and bit it. His entire body jerked reflexively.

“Ouch – watch it!” Luke twisted away, yanking his shirt off and tossing it to the floor. Lucille’s heart raced at the sight of the athletic teen standing bare chested in the afternoon sun streaming in through the window. “Man, you are serious business, Mrs. Aldrich.”

“Oh, I think you can call me Lucie,” she teased. She advanced on him, hips swaying. She loosened the sash of her robe. It was a long, transparent blue silk number that she’d purchased recently just for occasions such as this one. She knew that Luke had been getting a good look at the outline of her pert tits and ass and her long legs since she’d met him at the front door a few minutes ago and led him up the main stair of the quiet, empty house to the bed that until recently she’d shared only with Frank. Now she let the robe fall open. It slipped half-way down her shoulders as she knelt on the carpet before her son’s teammate and friend.

Mothers Gone Wild – another homage to 80s porn paperbacks – Chapter Six [FM, FF, FFM, Incest]


“What’s this one done now?” Edith Macready asked. The school secretary’s voice sounded notes of disapproval and some amusement, but no surprise. Jamie Carter looked up from the stack of 10th grade math exams that she was collating to see Carla Moreno, the girl’s gym instructor, dragging Bobby Tilson by the arm in through the open doors of Greenleaf High’s main office.

Bobby was one of the kids who were always in the principal’s office for one reason or another. Now he stared sullenly down at the threadbare rug in front of Edith’s desk.

“He was in the girl’s locker room, watching them shower.” Carla said, shaking her head in disbelief. “He actually climbed in above the drop ceiling from across the hall!”

“Don’t call my mom!” Bobby “You don’t have call her, do you?

“You just stand there and be quiet!” Carla snapped. She jerked her head toward Principal Campbell’s inner office. “Is he in there?”

Edith nodded. “You know he’s never out of here before six on a Friday,” the matronly, white-haired woman said with a stern frown. “And you know this is going to just make his week.” She rolled her eyes in dismay as she picked up the phone. “I’ll let him know that you’re out here.”