Arranged dates: Part 1 [fantasy] [mf]

It all started almost two years ago. She was totally consumed by her book, leaving her with very little time or interest for anything else. We’ve always been strongly supportive of each other, and that time was no exception. As much as my libido was building up, I tried my best to not distract her with my needs. And while she was primarily focussed on her book, she took note of what was happening.

One day at breakfast she shared her idea.

“So I’ve been thinking about our situation and I have an idea. Why don’t you sleep with other women?”

“Uh…are you serious or messing with me?”

“I mean it. I see no harm in it. It’s not like cheating’. She quickly added with a smirk, ‘Heck, I could even hook you up with a friend.”

“Well, to be honest, I’m turned on by the idea. But I’m not sure if I can actually do it”

“OK, how about this — just go on a dinner date and see how that goes”

“OK, well, what the hell. Hook me up.”, I said with a feeling of mixed excitement and nervousness. Back then, I was nowhere as sexually or socially open as I’m now.

Evolution of my unusual friendship: Part 1 [fantasy] [mF]

*Preface: This is not intended to be a quick sex story which is focussed solely on the physical aspects of sexuality. My intent is to develop and portray a balanced and imaginative erotica, which also addresses emotions and mental aspects of sensuality. I don’t know if I’ll be successful at it, but my hope for it is to be a mix of an unusual love story and a slow-simmer erotica. You, as the reader, will be the ultimate judge.*

**Part 1: First encounter**

Here I was at a work picnic, in a new city. I had just moved here a few weeks ago to take up a new job. We were at a large public park where our group had two picnic tables reserved. The mid-afternoon autumn sun was bright but not scorching. I was switching back-and-forth between trying to socialize, and sitting alone with a beer in hand. My experience of the city so far had been pleasant — the new job was a significant upgrade from the previous, my coworkers were friendly, and the city seemed to have a lot to explore. This was my second job after graduating from college. I was a new yuppie to this growing city, who was yet to make new friends here.