Enjoy the show [MF+F]

One rainy Saturday afternoon of March, we were, my girlfriend Helen and myself watching TV. I had just prepared tea and cookies. At one point, the character on TV made a comment related to a threesome. Hearing that, Helen turned to me and asked: "Would you want to have a threesome ?"

Surprised by the question, and wanting to be honest but reasonable, I answered: "Well, you know, yes, sure on paper I would… But I am not sure it is very practical.

– What do you mean 'on paper' ? She asked.

– Well – I tried to find the correct words – First, and I know it's cliche and macho, but I would not be comfortable with two guys, I prefer to be with two girls.

– Ok – she replies with a half smile – I can get that. What else ?

– If I can find two girls who accept to have sex with me together, there is the question of which one to give 'priority' to ? What to do with which one of them ? Should you be one of them ? And other practical aspects: I would need to change of condom in the middle…

[MF] meeting at the hotel

I am away on business for a conference. It is the evening of the last day of the trip and I am getting a drink with two other guys who are also attending the conference at the bar of the hotel, just next to the convention center, where we are staying.

As we are discussing, a woman approaches us and asks if it is ok to join us. Robert and Fabien do not really catch here question (they are French and their English is not that good) so I'm the one who answers that sure, she could join us. She goes to grab a drink and I explain to my two colleagues what is happening, confessing that I am not sure why this woman wants to join us and confirming that I don't have a clue who she is neither. But there is no reason not to be nice and welcoming.

The woman comes back a couple of minutes later with a glass of wine and sits next to me. She has blond hair, long down to her shoulders, with just a pin to hold them behind her ears; she is not particularly tall, but not short neither. She looks older than us, enough that we can see the age difference, but not as much as we would consider her as old ; she is probably around 35 to 40.