Fulfilling Her Calling

It was a night like any other, except it wasn’t. She was standing there in the bathroom touching up her lipstick and taking one last look at her lingerie in the mirror. It was a beautiful shade of red which matched her lipstick just so perfectly that when she saw it in the store the day before she knew it was meant to be.

She looked down at her phone and it blinked 7:58 PM. Her heart which had already been racing picked up the pace and her hands began to tremble. Thank god she thought that this happened now and not a few minutes ago when she was applying her makeup.

She knew that when that clock struck 8:00 PM that her life was about to change forever. She made her way down the stairs and waited by the door on her knees like they had fantasized so many times before. They had talked about this day for so long and finally it was happening, she was about to fulfill her calling. She was about to be bred. She had yearned to be a mother for as long as she could remember. Most girls dreamed about their wedding, which she did too but she also dreamed about the day she would start a family with her man.

Categorized as Erotica