Passion in Point Pleasant [Mothman]

It was June 1967, and I was hitchhiking through Appalachia. I had dropped out of college, not knowing what to do with my life, and had decided see the country before being tied down with a job and family. It was the summer of love, and little did I know at the time how accurate that name would be.

I was about four miles away from Point Pleasant West Virginia, and it was beginning to get dark. The woods on either side of the road or dark and foreboding, and I felt a sense of unease as I walked down the blacktop towards the sleepy town. It had been a long day, my legs were tired, my feet hurt, and I was desperate for something to drink and eat. I knew that I would soon be at my destination for the evening and so I trudged forward determined to make it before the restaurants in town closed. I looked into the sky and saw that the moon was beginning to rise over the horizon. It was full, and I knew that even if I didn’t make it into town by nightfall I would still be able to see by the light of the Moon.

Love in the Arms of the Sasquatch [MM]

It was late summer in 1997 when I first came to the Pacific Northwest. I was traveling with a group of scientists who were searching for a rare fungus that was endemic to the region. We made our camp about 30 miles away from the nearest outpost.

Our days were spent searching for the elusive fungus and cataloging other forms of fungi in the region. We also cataloged other forms of flora to see if there was a correlation between the presence of certain plants and the fungus for which we were searching. I found myself separated from the group and estimated that I was about 6 miled away from camp. I was cataloging everything I could find and had lost track of time. I tried to find my way back but I had left no trail markers and soon became very lost.

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