I’m very thankful for the family I married into. There’s a strong sense of selfless love and duty that I find very rewarding. Ours is a matriarchal household where my mother-in-law’s word is gospel. A lack of privacy is nothing new in a traditional joint family where extended family members live under the same roof. I often find myself in a state of restlessness, desiring to be with my husband while attending household chores.
I am the first person to wake up in order to conduct morning prayers. A tradition that I’m very fond of but it also comes with its caveats. I have to be pure and cannot engage in sexual relations with my husband, no matter how excited I am to wake up next to him. Recently, my husband, under the guise of asking for a towel, pulled me into the bathroom so we could share a passionate kiss. I ended up reliving him with my hand before returning to the kitchen. My older sister-in-law couldn’t stop giggling and probably knew why it took me a while. She understands my plight but is not above having some fun at my expense.