[MF]-Freshman Year Fun

My freshman year in college, my roommate was much better than me at meeting people and being extroverted. Anyway, we met so many random people our first year just because everyone wants to make friends their freshman year and everyone was super friendly. He started going to this Asian culture club and one of my majors was Japanese so I would go along with him. The club was about 75% Asians and 25% white weebs. It was honestly so funny just because I hung out with my roommate and we stuck with the Asian crowd so I was super psyched about not being stuck with some random people. We had people come to our dorm sometimes and we would go to functions with upperclassmen and it was honestly so fun. One downside was that I can be super oblivious so I wasn’t noticing that two of the girls in the club, Cindy and Meagan, were seriously interested in me. Cindy was slightly taller, about 5’5, with long straight black hair that always looked perfect. Her teeth looked perfectly straight and white and her eyes were so expressive. She had like an amazing ass… like I could not believe that it existed on a girl as small as her. Her breasts were perfect and just under a handful. We were hanging out in our dorm with about 6 or 7 people just crammed into our room but people were slowly leaving and both Cindy and Meagan stayed behind with me and my roommate. Classic freshman move we had been drinking bud light or miller light or some shit forever and all four of us were pretty buzzed. We were definitely sobering up but the girls seemed to be playing it up a lot more. Both of them lived in a dorm just on the other side of campus which is like a 5 maybe 10 minute walk and we were saying we would walk them back but both of them were like freaking out and saying they wanted to have a sleep over and stay with us. Of course my roommate and I were down for it and Cindy literally just gets into my bed but I wasn’t about to let her just take the bed solo so I told my roommate, Mitchell, that we would just go to bed now. Meagan goes to his bed and I told Cindy that I only sleep in underwear and she told me to just get in bed. So we are under the covers and turn off the lights and everyone is kind of giggling for a while but eventually it gets a little quieter and Cindy gets closer to me saying how warm I am. At this point, I am rock hard and can feel her face right next to mine and I slide my arm that is closer to her under the pillow and pull her body closer to mine so she is on her side facing me with me lying on my back. Her hand creeps across my chest just hugging me closer and I feel her knee move up over my thigh and I tense up feeling her thigh getting so close to my cock. My dick always hangs down my left thigh and the second her leg feels it she stops and I can see the outline of her face and her mouth just opens before she smiles at me. Her leg stretches out and I feel her thigh sliding down the full length of my cock before moving back up towards my hips. She is slowly moving up and down, making me harder and harder before I see her mouth the words “you’re huge.”