Meeting and secretly playing in public [MF] [exh]

My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met from across the coffee shop. I couldn’t believe someone actually responded to my post — for one, it was actually asking to meet up in person, but it was also so much more tame than the usual requests for threesomes or RandomActsOfMuffDive or whatever. I simply wanted to have a face-to-face conversation about sex. After all, it’s not cheating if it’s just a conversation, right?

Now you were here, and you were even more attractive than you looked in your photo. We each wore a nervous, excited smile, and I wondered what was going through your head as I took you in, top to bottom.

We introduced ourselves while I bought our drinks. We exchanged niceties, and there was definitely an exciting chemistry between us, but it felt like a leap to move the conversation toward the overtly sexual, even filthy topics we had mentioned over PMs. So during a natural lull I decided to just go for it. It’s what we were both here for, after all.

“All that dirty talk led to some amazing sex dreams last night,” I said. I was excited to see your pupils dilate and a smile tug at the corner of your lips.