How I lost my virginity!

5 yrs ago, me(M 25), my best friend(bf), girlfriend(gf), and a few others were heading to Thailand for 10 days. My bf and I were excited because we made a pact years ago on partying in Thailand and bedding a few escorts. Both of us were still virgins and this only increased our excitement.

The only complicated part was that I was with my gf and her sister, this would be extremely difficult. Hence we started making a habit, everyday we will go out for 1 hr and that will be just the two of us trying Thai cuisine (hehe).

One day we decided to go to sukhumvit where I read the massage houses are present and offer sex. Now it’s 11 pm at night, bf and I hop into a Rick, and head to the place. It is extremely deserted as now it’s 11.30 pm, and we see light at only one massage house, rest are closed. Sitting inside are a few beautiful woman, some eating dinner and others engaged in some chore. The prettiest of them is chowing down some take-away, her skin is white like milk and looks smooth, but she’s done for the day. She points towards another house and right then a nice looking 30 year old woman wearing all leather, walks by the place. The pretty woman asks leather lady to take us with her to the other house.

Veronica and Astaire’s dalliance

Hi. Two characters here. Veronica (you), Astaire (your lover)

Veronica is a buxom, men first look at her ample bosom and probably get lost in their thoughts while Astaire is an astute businessman who cuts through bullshit. That’s how he landed the prized trophy that’s Veronica.

She had the beauty of a pin-up girl, easily would’ve upset Kate Upton, Alexandra Daddario, and others in a contest. Both enjoyed the attention they got, thanks to her beauty and his suave attitude.

Veronica wears a tight flashy dress to the supermarket. The PA system makes a static noise and the attendant’s caught unawares by her walking in. She usually comes an hour later but Veronica wanted the attention. “What’s the point if they are ready on schedule, waiting for me.” There has to be an element of surprise even in the routine. There’s a bet among the staff as to when her dress will pop but the fabric defies all rules of physics and tension. Other shoppers make an excuse to be in the same aisle as her.

She loves this, not that Astaire doesn’t shower her with the affection but it thrills her to know she has the effect even after marriage.

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