Showing a soccer coach my ball control [F/M] [oral]

I love sucking dick. I love the taste of cock, how it feels in my mouth but most of all, how I can drive a man wild with my lips and tongue.

“Sorry, honey, I was miles away. What were you saying?” I probably shouldn’t be fantasising about cocksucking while walking my teenage son, Oliver, home from practice.

“Mum, I don’t understand why he won’t play me.” It was a familiar lament. Oliver had once again been overlooked for a starting place on his local soccer team.

Most Mums wanted their sons to be happy and by not playing, I knew that Oliver was not. Unlike other parents, however, I’d seen my son in action and knew enough about the game to realise that he had reasonable grounds for complaint.

Unlike other Mums – and certainly other Dads – I was prepared to do something about it.

“You go on ahead, sweetie,” I told Oliver. It was only half a mile to walk home, and he was used to doing it. “I’ll go back and talk to the coach. What’s his name?”

“Rob,” Oliver replied. “You know he almost made it professionally. He’ll only tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

‘Punished’ for a mistake at work [m/f] [foot fetish]

I’d never been summoned to Lily Phillips’ office before. I knew I was in serious trouble and no sooner had I shut the door behind me she wasted no time in reminding me.

“You know you messed up big-time, right?”

I knew, alright. I nodded. I’d got suppliers confused and almost had orders going to completely the wrong place which would have cost the company thousands of pounds had it not been picked up by a senior manager. I expected a bollocking, and probably a warning, even if the manager who sorted the issue out had been largely sympathetic. He seemed to understand that mistakes happen, and I’d done fine in the months previously.

Lily, however, was different. In every respect. In appearance, her tousled mid-length blond hair, manicured fingernails, and smart business attire. In her mannerisms, her straight-to-the-point delivery and ruthless decision-making left nobody in any doubt that she was boss or what she wanted. Or so I’d heard. This was my first encounter with the company’s well-respected CEO.

“You must be punished. Do you understand?” she snapped.

I nodded again.

Henry’s revenge [M/F] [Foot fetish]

Annabel waited, not breathing a word – just as he had demanded. Henry took a deep breath and crawled on all fours towards Annabel’s feet. He could see the pink nail polish on her toes and he reached out to touch the top of her right foot.

He gently stroked from top to bottom, pressing one hand against her sole. “How does she keep them so soft?” he thought to himself. He hauled himself forwards so he was facing her head-on and resting on his elbows, he started to kiss her feet.

Starting slowly, so as to not surprise or shock Annabel – after all, he had no idea whether she was used to this or not – he gradually increased the speed and intensity of his mouth movements, pressing his mouth against her toes, then her ankles, her heels and soles, all the while breathing in with his nose and rubbing her feet with his hands.

Annabel hadn’t really known what to expect. She had been initially sceptical about Henry’s request to do away with any small talk and just let him walk in and get down to business.

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Footjob fury in the office [M/F]

[Part One – here](

[Part Two – here](

Adam entered her office. Alexandra had swapped the boring flats she had been wearing earlier for a pair of brand-new 4-inch stiletto open toe slingbacks. They were light brown with pink soles, and they looked fantastic. She wheeled her chair out from behind her desk and into the middle of the room. She didn’t want to be distracted by anything.

“So, what sort of leaving present did you have in mind?” Adam asked, playfully.

She wiggled her toes suggestively and sighed. “I’m sure you can think of something.”

Adam certainly could. He started by getting onto the floor and licking her toes, painted bright red, as they peeked out of the end of her shoes. Alexandra giggled and wriggled them as his tongue teased her. He grabbed her by the ankles and slid his fingers underneath her heels as he moved from licking her heels to kissing the top of her feet, moving steadily up until he was touching her heels and ankles.

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Orgasm denial…sort of [M/F]

Alexandra had invited Adam around for dinner and made her intentions plain enough by slipping off her shoes and pressing her toes against his crotch as they finished off dessert. He placed his hands on top of her feet and gave them a rub. His warm hands and tender touch made Alexandra shiver, but not for long.

“Bet you can’t make me come with your feet,” he challenged, dropping his trousers, leaning back in his chair, and motioning for Alexandra to work his dick with her feet. Unconvinced but turned on by his boldness, Alexandra carefully edged her feet into position either side of his cock and started moving them up and down. Up and down she guided her feet, slowly rubbing Adam’s cock. She’d never done this before and wasn’t quite sure of herself, but right now, she was quite happy to do what Adam wanted.

Alexandra heard Adam’s breathing increase and sensed she was getting the hang of what she was doing. She leaned back and let out a contented sigh of her own as she fingered herself, knowing full well Adam could see what was going on.

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Returning the favour – oral delight for an older woman [M/F]

Alexandra showered, dried herself and pulled on a dressing gown and a pair of fluffy slippers. She planned to get straight down to business when Adam arrived, and it had been a long enough day already. He was not far away from her house when his mobile phone rang. Convinced it was Alexandra about to tell him she had changed her mind, he picked up.

She spoke softly, “When you get here, come straight in, lock the door behind you, and I’ll be waiting for you upstairs.” Before he had a chance to say anything, Alexandra had hung up. She placed the phone on the floor, face down, and slid it under her bed, closed her eyes and wondered exactly how the evening would pan out. Her sizeable double bed dominated the room, with its wooden headboard and a selection of pink and white pillows on top. Her clothes filled the wardrobe in one corner while in another, a full-length mirror stood.

Adam soon arrived and did as he had been instructed. Alexandra heard him lock the door. Taking off his shoes, he made his way upstairs and through the only door that was open into her bedroom. She sat on the bed and as he surveyed the room, motioned with her head for him to come and join her.

Foot massage for the boss [MF] [foot fetish]

It had been a regular day at the office, until Jack picked up the phone to answer an internal call.

It was Karla, his boss.

“Jack, I need you in my office. I need to discuss something that’s come up in a performance review.” She smiled to herself.

A few moments later, Jack arrived. He was trying his best not to show the confusion he was feeling. He was confident – as close to certain as he could be – that there were no issues with his performance. Indeed, Karla had thanked him several times for the work he’d been putting in.

She made him wait a second, fixing her eyes on his, then with a slight touch of cruelty, quietly told him, “There’s no review. I just want one of your foot massages.”

A relieved Jack smiled; a sort of half smile, half snigger. He knew something was up.

“Alright then,” he said. “You want one here, now?”

“Would I have called you in otherwise?” Karla snapped playfully.

“I guess not,” Jack replied as he strode purposefully towards her. As he did so, Karla whipped her feet out of her shoes, and placed them on top of her desk, leaning back into her chair and wiggling her toes suggestively.

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A perk of the job [M/F] [foot fetish]

Goodness knows how many times I had masturbated thinking about her feet. How many times had I cum, even while watching porn, imagining myself shooting my load over her toes? Too many to think about.

Previously, when I’d helped her out by working late, or getting projects turned round on time, she’d either cooked me a meal or given me a cash bonus. Always a most accommodating boss, this time was different. I guess I’d really got her out of a hole.

“Look, I don’t know what I would have done without your help this week,” she said.

Turning to face me as I sat opposite her, she reached out and placed her hand on top of mine, her painted red nails glimmering under the fluorescent lights. This was different.

“I genuinely don’t know how to thank you,” she continued. “Do you want money?

Unbeknownst to her, as was my obsession with her legs, feet and shoes, I had become somewhat disillusioned in my job over recent months. I was considering moving on. With that in mind, I figured that I had very little to lose.

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A chance encounter on the bus [m/f] [foot fetish]

It had been a busy day. As usual, I was waiting for the last bus home, in the dark and virtually alone at the bus station. It wasn’t unusual at this time of night to get the bus home and only see 2 or 3 other passengers, so there was nothing special about this particular evening. Or at least not at first.

Presently, the bus arrived and I got on, paid my fare, sat down near the back and started to read the book I’d started in the morning. I’d been so engrossed in the book, and certainly a little tired after the day that I hadn’t noticed that someone was sitting in the seat across the aisle from me.

“Long day at work?” I heard a female voice beside me ask.

I composed myself, a little shocked that I hadn’t noticed her, looked up and replied.

“Yeah, same as always really.” I glanced across to see who this was who had joined me.

Her hair was dark, shoulder length, brown eyes, smartly dressed, blouse, skirt, jacket. Attractive looking woman, I thought.

“What about you?”, I asked.

Dominant foot worship [m/f] [foot fetish]

Laura dug out her most outrageous pair of high heels. The open-toe platform slingbacks. The ones that were far too racy to ever wear in public. In fact, the heels on them were so high that she had to move slowly to avoid toppling over. Her toes were painted a bright pink colour which clashed – deliberately – with the black of her shoes.

Now she just had to wait for him.

Tim arrived, knocked on the door and let himself in. Laura always made sure her flat was in pristine condition, especially if she was entertaining, and by the time Tim arrived she had popped a couple of tea bags in two clean mugs and flicked the kettle on as she heard him come in.

Tim took his usual seat and thanked Laura as she handed him his drink. He’d noticed her footwear; it would have been impossible not to, and he sensed that as they chatted about work and the weather that she was trying to catch his attention.

Of course she was. If stretching her legs out and wiggling her toes wasn’t going to work, she would have to take charge of the situation.

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