Shay- Taco Tuesday [FF , oral , quickie , public]

Unbuckling my black ripped jeans, of course my foot gets caught in the hole. I’m in such a rush trying to take them off, I’m tripping over my own two feet. I hear her breathing equally as heavy as I. I look up to see the most beautiful shade of melanin I’ve seen in my life. Skin the color of dark chocolate, I imagine her dripping from my lips. Glistening without body oil, she’s nothing short of a goddamn goddess. The slight curve of her hips and waist followed by thick runners thighs and legs. God. Her legs. ..
She snaps at me to catch my attention.
“Helloooo, are you home, we don’t have time for you to be slobbing out the mouth right now” she asks laughing while taking off her last piece of clothing.
She was goofier than anyone I’d ever met, our encounters full of nothing but laughs. There was never a moment I felt uncomfortable and if she thought I did, we laughed. But.. she was right. We’d just snuck into a stall together after ditching our friends at the restaurant table. This was a reoccurring theme of ours. See, we knew we were more than friends, but to the outside world, we’d only just met. Shay was quite known, and had just gotten out of a relationship. I, quite known as well, and although circumstances were different, you could call us and our situations at the time infamous for similar reasons. So to avoid any more drama than needed, we kept everything lowkey. Why did anyone need to know she was nose deep in my pussy anyway? I roll my eyes, not realizing I’ve misplaced my thoughts, but she has.
We giggle and slightly cover our mouths as we hear someone enter the bathroom stall directly next to us.
We’re at a local taco bar with a group of mutual friends. Everyone is slightly beyond buzzed and we managed to slip away for a quick “release”. As I finish pulling my panties down, Shay licks her lips. Shay was so hard to understand but so fun to be around. Whenever we had our encounters, she catered to me. Shay was a touch me not; she had some pretty rough experiences that traumatized her, and I respected her space. But when it came to giving, THAT was her strong suit. Always in the moment, she was bold with every decision she made. The stares or comments never bothered her.
Grabbing my face, she forced her mouth onto mine. She tasted of her last margarita. I giggle into her mouth as she slides her tongue in. Sucking on her tongue, I pull back and look into her eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, she knows what I’m about to say. See, Shay didn’t even like being touched during kissing.
“It’d just be nice to have somewhere to put my hands” I complain.
Laughing she replies “Yeah. Me too”
I don’t even realize I’ve got a death grip on her wrists down by my hips. Letting go, I feel like the moment is no longer here.
Shay, taking note of my energy change, rubs a hand through my curls. Picking my head up, she kisses my forehead.
Leading her to the corner of the restroom, I put a paper towel down and sit up on the sink. Spreading my legs wide, I welcome her to my humble abode.
Shay licks her plump lips and eyes me for half a second before pushing her face right up in between my thighs. Her tongue diving deep, I feel her exploring every inch of my insides. Melting, I ride this wave.
Rotating my hips, I accept every bit of her curiosity and well formed expertise. Letting out a long moan, I remember someone else is still in the bathroom with us only after they cough as reminder.
Fuck them.
I moan louder.
Shay looks up at me, grinning like a kid in a candy store. I’ve turned her on and given her the green light to have fun.
Sticking two fingers into me, she makes herself comfortable. With her thumb on my clit, she begins to slowly pump in and out with her fingers. I’m already gushing from pure excitement. I lean back against the wall and mirror, forgetting where I am, but also still tipsy and needing help holding my body up. The mirror is now beating against the wall as I’m rocking along with her pushing every button in my womb.
The bathroom door opens and closes. We’re alone.
With my hand against the mirror, Shay starts to lick down from my neck to each of my nipples. I scoot closer into her chest, allowing her to delve deeper into the ocean she’s created. Speeding up, I lose all sense of time.
My body is starting to shake and convulse, I grip onto her back for leverage.
“Faster” I moan into the air
She speeds up.
My juices splashing everywhere, there’s moisture on her breasts.
I bite my lip and close my eyes.
The bathroom door opens and there’s the sound of keys jingling and a walkie talkie.
Time stops.
I open my eyes.
There’s a pound on the door and an upset manager speaking on customer complaints.
Shay looks at me with her wide grin and licks her lips.
She gives one last blow on my clit and it sends me overboard.
“SHAAAAYUUHHH” I loudly moan, now unable to hold back.
The manager threatens to unlock the door and come in just as I cum in Shays mouth. She slides on her shirt without even wiping her mouth. Cum still falling from her lips, she unlocks the door and winks at the manager who in turn, disgustingly scoffs and walks out to let us regather ourselves.
Announcing our departure, we damn near yodel our way out of the bathroom. We’re laughing so hard, there’s tears falling from my eyes.
Still flushed and dazed we gather our friends and make our grand exit.
“What’s going on with this place? We just got kicked out for the third time this month and don’t even know why!” One of our friends exclaims, sounding offended with the restaurant.
Shay and I exchange a casual eye of knowing, but just shrug our shoulders.
“Maybe we should try another spot” I suggest, glancing back over at her with a slick bite of my lips.
“Maybe, we should” She says, licking hers.

Frejya; Our First

My phone dinged.
“No talking.” She texted me.
“No kissing.” I replied.

We weren’t the most conventional, but we existed. Unsure of what we actually were, we had two rules to keep things simple. Rule number one was my rule; no kissing. Kissing would imply that we were intimate, and She and I both knew intimacy was neither one of our strong suits. The second rule, Hers; no talking. I was always intrigued by Her as a being; yet when we met up we were to keep things surface level. Who we were didn’t matter. She liked that mystery and that was in Her sense, a way to reject intimacy as well.