Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Initial Contact 2


Four days after Initial Contact 1, Initial Contact 2 was started. The consequential reactions from both our specimens led us to believe that this second contact would yield spectacular behaviour and useful observations. This was confirmed to be true. Before a breakdown of the second contact is given, it is important to note the technology involved. The technology in question is a pair of white bracelets that are locked onto a specimens wrist which then generate an impervious forcefield around the body. The controls for these bracelets are entirely remote and are controlled by our team in the viewing station. The so called ‘suits’ are invisible except for the white bracelets on each wrist which create a forcefield that stands at exactly 1cm away from the users skin.

Specimen (A) and Specimen (B) were fitted with these bracelets which were permanently locked until we gave clearance to head control to unlock them. Just like in the first contact, each specimen was released from opposite sides of the room, except this time there was no barrier.

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Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Post Initial Contact 1 Update


After the first contact, noting that specimen (A) is much more aggressive when aroused than we first thought, we are deciding to delay physical contact until we have done more observations and tests.

In the hours after Initial Contact 1, we found specimen (A) manually stimulating himself in his holding cell; repeatedly bringing himself close to orgasm but always stopping before climax. This built him into a frenzied state that we deemed highly unpredictable and hazardous for our research aims. After watching this behaviour he was restrained within his cell with padded wrist and ankle cuffs which prevented any attempt at manual stimulation whether by hand or through thrusting movements on the bed or floor. These conditions were active until we initiated Initial Contact 2, four days after Initial Contact 1.

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Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Initial Contact 1


We will be observing these two specimens interact through a large glass wall. The room they are in has powerful overhead lights and a heavily padded floor with three padded walls. The room itself is split by another glass wall which will physically separate the two specimens. Two doors opposite each other now open into the room, disguised as part of the padding. From the right enters specimen (A) and from the left enters specimen (B). They look at each other slowly. At first a little bit shy but then (A) walks right up to the mirror and puts his hand on the glass. He is taking in the beauty of (B). (B) is still turned away from (A) so all he can see is her ass. Eye movement trackers indicate he looks at her ass and hips a total of 40 times in this scene.

(A) is now starting to get erect from not much stimulation at all. All he can see is the back of specimen (B). Then, she turns around to see him, only half of her face. She locks one eye with his two. She knows he is staring at her. We see specimen (B) smile and turn her back again. Specimen (A) gulps and continues to watch.

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Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Specimen (B) Overview


A strong, fit female specimen of 22 years with an attractive, aesthetic face as well as a physically desirable body. The skin is a light brown tone. Her face has very plump cheeks and lips with big eyes which are a deep brown colour. There is a small number of freckles which dot her forehead and cheeks. She has dark brown hair which is parted in the middle and reaches her upper back.

Standing at 5ft4 and weighing in at 75kg, she cuts a strong impression of a female body. Her hips are rather wide with a narrow waist, fostering her status as an ideal specimen for these observations. Her breasts are large and full, measured to DD cup size with well formed pink nipples. From the back we are immediately impressed with huge gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles which stand atop thick hamstring muscles.

The sex organs are well formed with a delicate curtain of labia minora within puffy, peach labia majora. When aroused the clitoris is half exposed due to swelling and the vaginal opening dilates, parting the labia minora and displaying a fleshy orifice with moist interior.

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Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Introduction, Specimen (A) Overview


The two subjects for this report are (A), the male specimen, and (B), the female specimen. First, there will be a physical overview of the specimens and their behaviour. Next, we will go through some of their initial contacts before detailed descriptions of their interactions as a mated couple. Finally, we will draw conclusions from their observed behaviour, what it tells us about how they will act in the future and predicted interactions with other specimens they may interact with.


A strapping young male, 24 years of age and in excellent physical condition. His skin is white and the eyes are a murky blue-green colour. He has neck length blonde hair with a slight wave to it and a light stubble on his chin neck. The jawline of this specimen is exceptional and is expected to have considerable effects on attracting mates. The muscle tone is thick and strong, each muscle is well defined and there is a low body fat percentage. Weighing in at 90kg and measuring 5ft11 he strikes an imposing figure from the front with large deltoids and quadriceps. From the back his latissimus dorsi and trapezius are immediately noticeable along with the gluteal muscles which stick out at the top of the legs.

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The Girl in the Foggy Woods [Dark] [Forceful Femdom] [Cunnilingus]

You don’t remember getting to the patch of dark moss in the forest. That has been erased from your head. Erased by the woman sitting open legged on the floor, moss cushioning around her hips. She has a pale blue dress on that reaches her ankles and is damp from the mist surrounding you. You see that she has very full breasts pressing against the fabric. Who is she? She looks at you as if she hears you think it. Her eyes are full of lust. She is hungry.

All of a sudden you fall to your knees, an unknown force buckling your legs and pulling your chest to the moss. She reaches a clawed hand out to your damp hair. Her fingernails scrape your scalp, prickling the skin on your neck.

“Fresh.” She says. “Open.” Her lips are very pale but juicy. You don’t understand her. She means your mouth.

She pulls your entire body with one arm along the forest floor and using the other arm brushes her dress away from her stomach. Reaching her arm back behind her she pushes her cunt into your face. The dark mound of hair brushing your nose. The tangy smell is strong. You feel yourself all at once absolutely submit to this strange woman you have never met. Her skin is soft and squishy and you want her to use you.