[MMMMMMMMMMMF] The Team Mascot

A high school senior team, a gang of brawny, testosterone pumped young men, hitting new heights for the school on the battlefield of sport.

They are of course supported by the high school senior cheerleading squad, where the young women of the school cheer them on. Just as the football team is only the fittest and best-bred young men, the cheerleaders are only the hottest and most-breedable young women.

Except it’s clear that over the Christmas break one of the girls has slipped up a bit on coach’s diet plan. She’s now got a spare tyre around her waist where the other girls have tight hip dips, on which hang lacy thongs and sports bras.

The cheerleading squad of course has a well known but unwritten function; to form a motivator and stress reliever for the football team. Almost every guy in the team is going out with a girl from the squad. It’s almost taboo to date outside this tight-knit circle.

But now, with the cheerleader squad increasingly one woman down as she fails time and time again to turn up for practice, the balance has shifted. There is no longer one girl for every guy. Competition is breeding; the jostling for the girls’ attention is getting in the way of the boys’ team spirit. And it’s affecting their performance on the field.

[MF] [WG] [Cheating] Her Sister Knows All About It

*Your first time heading home to her parents’ for the festival season since you moved in together. Who will dare to say anything about what you’ve done to her?*

I woke up next to Olivia, my girlfriend of two years. We were too young to get married, but as we couldn’t keep our hands off each other for 10 seconds, we’d moved in together about nine months ago. It was spring then- now we were staring down the barrel of winter. Usually that would depress me, but these days I wanted nothing more than to be a homebody with my darling girlfriend in our lovely cosy warm house. We had a nice TV and we cooked well every night. It was heaven!

Of course our lifestyle had started to show up on Oli’s hips, and everywhere else in fact. While I maintained my figure through sports with the boys and biking for every errand and commute, Oli had settled into a work-from-home job, a hardcore gaming habit and a cornucopia of delicious foods as a matter of course. I was admiring her soft, feminine form draped across our bed, so beautiful in the morning light. I got up quietly to prepare my love’s morning feast of pancakes and bacon. She woke up to the scent of hot chocolate and the delicious fried plate, served in bed as usual, balanced on her pudgy thighs.