Repeat after me: I am not being Hypnotized.

**Warning:** This most makes use of *very persuasive* language and could elicit feelings of *intense and desperate arousal, Submission* and *helplessness*. Do not read it if you’re underage or not in a safe/private space. ***You have been warned.***

Have you ever experienced that feeling of complete emptiness that often follows an intense orgasm. It’s almost an high as all these feelings of arousal and pleasure surge all through your body, before you finally collapse into your bed, completely satisfied, completely spent.

I wonder how many nights such as this one you have spent on chasing this high, multiple times even on some nights. Only to be distraught when the fleeting sensation subsides, leaving you crave more.

You see, sluts like you cant help themselves. You are a prisoner to your own desires, a prisoner to your own lust. You come here because you wish to fulfill the darkest of your desires. You come here because you want to feel helpless you want to be used and abused. Because the high that you feel as you’re being used by someone is stronger than the high that you feel from vanilla sex.

Categorized as Erotica