I went to a cinema in Soho one lunch time while working. I was just a kid, actually I was 25 but immature, from the countryside new to the big city and quite lost amongst the more sophisticated cityfolk. I paid my money (including a membership fee, I gave a false name) and once my eyes adjusted to the dark i moved into the small cinema and found a seat about part way down.
A jewish guy soon moved next to me. He was a hasidic jew, with the hair, the hat, the long coat, the works, not the kind of person I had ever interacted with before (or indeed since) I swear this is true. I had never witnessed pornography like this. (This was the 80’s) my cock was hard in my trousers, covered by my fashionable mac. The Jewish guy soon had his hand on my knee and his own cock in his other hand. I looked straight ahead, not daring to acknowledge what was happening. Soon he was touching my hard cock through my trousers, he started trying to undo my zip, he got it down and reached in for my cock with his cold bony hand.