My sexy best friend

I get a phone call as I’m in the middle of my favorite game I pause it and pick up my phone.

Its Hailey, I answer, “hey Hailey wats up”

Hailey: “Hey Dillon how are u”

Dillon: “I’m good just sitting here playing games how bout u”

Hailey: “Ahh not much either just at the house just taking a break from fixing it up, u know I’m doing anything today wanna come over and hangout I’ll cook”

Dillon: Yea I can come over when are u free”

Hailey: ” whenever really I’ve got nothing to do today”

Dillon: “Well since ur not doing anything I’ll come over if u its ok”

Hailey: “Oh yea that works fine I’ll just finish up here, u remember how to get here?”

Dillon: “Yea I’ll be there soon see ya”

Hailey: “Bye”

It’s been a while since I’ve even talked to Hailey since college I believe. I wonder how much she has changed probably just as hot as she was in college I had a major crush on her but now that I’m single maybe I can make a move on her.

Categorized as sexystories