The April Fools Joke Gone…Right? Part.1

**Everyone in this erotica is above the ages of 18+ years old!**

The moment my eyes opened up I popped my head off the pillow: today was one of my favorite days, the day where I got to be a brat and get away with it! April Fool’s day to most was a small silly day, but in this household my brother and I always do our best to pull the most ridiculous pranks on each other. Last year he got me with shoving my halfway in the washing machine (I blame it on the painfully fake porn he watches), and I exacted my revenge by stealing all of his toilet paper and hiding his car keys. I never heard the end of it that year. But, he deserved it and vice versa.

But this year was going to be the year. I was going to get my brother so good that he would be fuming! I had the most mundane yet best prank ready in my head.
All it took was a couple bucks on Amazon and to wait for the right opportunity for my beloved brother to sleep.

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Brotherly Love, Chapter 1.

# “Brotherly Love”, a secret co-written erotica exposed.

Elaine sighed as she rolled in her bed for what had to be the millionth time that night. The moon hung high in the sky, clouds shrouding and hugging beneath it, though the shine still casted a pale glow across her body. Nights like this we’re a bitch. It didn’t help that Alex had his laptop running on almost full volume. Usually the noise was welcomed— the silence was frightening. Nearly an hour passed before she threw the covers up and over her legs. There was no way she was going to get to sleep right now. Almost one in the morning and not a single wink. Her eyes averted to her laptop- maybe if Alex was awake he’d want to play something with her, or watch another Game Grumps re-run. Elaine couldn’t stand being bored. Walking over to her dresser she caught herself in the mirror; a small pink tank top, black boy shorts and knee high striped socks.