My Step Brother’s Gift – Lost to Seduction [MF, MMMMF]

My Step Brother’s Gift – Lost to Seduction
A commission for Anonymous by Penstrum


For a little while I was allowed to see, but I still couldn’t tell what was happening. Panic was starting to set in and I could hear my heart beating as I struggled in what felt like ropes tying me down. “H-hey…! Is anyone there?” I choked out in a hoarse voice. My question seemed to echo around me, and yet, there was no one there to answer it.

As if I’d asked a joke, the room erupted with laughter and the lights came on. It was all too much for me to take at once. I couldn’t believe what was before my very eyes. From the looks of it, I was in an auditorium—or maybe a gym, and I wasn’t tied down in just any rope, it was bondage rope. I’d seen it before thanks to a friend, but feeling it tightly knotted around my wrists and ankles as well as the breezes against my naked body made me feel all the more vulnerable. The thing that made my heart sink into my chest most of all was the group of men standing around me, looking me over with at least one hand on their crotches.