As the crowd calmed down from the events of the previous fight, two robed fighters entered the ring. Bar owner Claire Sterner entered the ring with a microphone to introduce the two and the upcoming event. “Ladies and gentlemen, the next fight is an anything goes MMA fight between two sexy young women. The fight will take place in three minute rounds and ends only when a fighter submits or is out cold. The winner will receive a $1000 fight bonus as well as oral sex from the loser. Now introducing in the red corner, She is a 19 year old college student, 5’ 1’’, and weighs 146 lbs. Everyone please welcome Jia!” Claire exclaimed.
The chubby Chinese woman removed her robe revealing large, saggy boobs, a cute tummy, and her fat, pear shaped ass covered by a lacy pair of black panties. Jia certainly did not have an athletic build by any means as she did her best to seductively stretch for the crowd. She had long, straight black hair that she chose to wear down for the fight and light brown eyes that absolutely popped. For Jia, the fight was about two things: doing something outside her comfort zone and having someone else sexually pleasure her for once. The loner stared across the ring at her robbed opponent in anticipation.