Secret meetings [Mf]

She woke with a start not quite sure why, she could have sworn she heard a sound, there it was again a light tap. Oh!, tonights the night. She slipped her delicate 5′ figure out from under the covers, as she did the hem of her pale blue silk sleep dress slid up, revealing small golden, well toned thighs, although Tess was small she was proud of her figure and worked out on a regular basis.

She padded quietly to the door turned the latch and slowly drew the door open a smidge peeking through the crack, at first nothing could be seen so she opened the door a few more centimetres. “Boo!!!” she let out a small squeal and jumped backwards as a large figure swept into the room and scooped her up into his large muscled arms “I’ve missed you princess” he murmers. He takes 3 confident steps forward and drops her on the bed, she lands in a heap right at the center of the clean white duvet.

[str8] [m&f] switches dream

(based on a true story)
Bella was sick of being labelled as the sub of the relationship since she was the weaker of the two switches, whenever she tried to take charge she was always overpowered by her daddy Sebastian.

One day after a particularly punishing session in which she had no say, she decided to let her daddy hear what she had to say.

In 2 days time they were going on a picnic to a lake with a large amount of shrub and tree area surrounding it, Bella demanded that starting at 8pm the evening before she be in charge of their relationship for a whole 24 hours, After some resistance Sebastian gave in.

In order for this arrangement to occur no touching could be conducted between either of them for a full 48 hours to help build tension. Bealla decided to stay at a friend’s house during that time.

Finally 8pm the day before the picnic rolled round, Bella was still at her friends and received a text
Sender: Sebastian
Message: wyd my baby girl?
Bella smirked knowing what she was about to start would drive Sebastian wild and end in some of the best sex they’d had in weeks, she replied: baby girl? I don’t see a baby girl here, only a master who’s little boy appears to have forgotten their place.