(The Assassin) Chapter 3

My hands strained against the ropes, my body trembling as I tried my best to keep still.

It wasn’t easy. Not only was my hands tied above my head, my feet were tied to either sides of the bedposts, leaving me vulnerable and exposed to his dark gaze.

Try as I might I couldn’t shut my legs.

The blindfold was off my eyes now but I couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not.

His eyes raked shamelessly over my sore body, drinking in the sight of me. If I wasn’t bare already, he could have been undressing me with his lust filled gaze.

Advancing slowly and deliberately towards me, he crawled in between my legs, never once breaking eye contact.

Grasping my hips tightly, his fingers slightly digging in, he slowly and torturously lowered his mouth on my core.

“Please no”I whispered, my voice hoarse from the crying and screaming.

No matter how many times he pleasured me in the most delicate part of my body, I never did get used to it. Not now, not before.

Categorized as Erotica

Chapter 1

I never could have imagined that Yassen and I would split up.

We were happily married for two years and together for six months before that.

I thought I knew everything about him.

I thought I knew him.

My husband, my lover, protector, and everything else.

And then I found out the truth about him.

What he actually does for a living.

I never worked. Not while I was with him because there was no need to. Yassen earned enough to provide for the two of us and was by far the most generous person I has ever encountered. He claimed that he was generous to me because he loved me and loved spending on me, but I knew deep down that he had a very big heart.

Which brings me to this.

He is an assassin.

A fucking assassin.

The sudden death of a foreign politician, an infamous mobster or a drug kinpin. 

You know it.

And not only was he an assassin, but he was the best at his job.

All those so-called ‘business trips’ he claimed were too boring for me to attend with him was actually an assignment of his.

Categorized as Erotica


Six months ago

Jack’s P.O.V

My hands hung limply above my head, the coarse metal of the chains digging painfully against my wrists. My naked body was exhausted and battered, a thin layer of sweat coating my skin.


I had just experienced my fifth orgasm and he hadn’t even entered me yet.

I was drained; physically, mentally and sexually. I didn’t know for how many more hours I could withstand this torture, but I reminded myself it will be worth it.

I couldn’t see him, the soft blindfold like silk across my eyes prevented me. Yet I could hear his light footsteps, slowly but surely coming closer and closer towards me.

Stalking me like the predator he was.

Standing just a few centimeters away, I felt my heart skip a beat as I tried to even my breathing.

I would rather die than show him my fear.

Not that it would matter. I’d be lying if I thought he was unable to see right through my brave facade.

I swallowed deeply when I felt his fingers gently brush my blond hair away from my damp forehead.

Categorized as Erotica