[MF]Caught in the Car…[Exhibitionist]

My fiance and I are Exhibitionist to say the least. It started when we first began dating. This was mostly because when we first started dating we both lived at home, so the only place to fuck was at my parents house when they’re out (occasionally), her house when her mom’s out (which is never) or in the back of my limo tinted 3 series BMW. If you know cars you know that’s tough as it’s not too roomy back there. Anyway we managed to make it work.

Usually we fuck 2-3 time’s a week, or whenever we saw each other and could get away for an hour or two. Usually we would find a quiet area and park there with the lights off, car running for air. Our romps often last more than an hour so I did my best to find an inconspicuous spot. Overtime though, we’d be out and about in the city where parking is hard to come by so we would often decide where we were currently parked was quiet enough. This eventually led to being more aroused when someone would walk by. They couldn’t see us but we could see them.