Massage and extra

I remember when I was younger my Dad telling me that every job had perks, you just might have to look quite hard for them. At the time I thought he meant like, time-keeping skills and generally having to put up with members of the public when you’re hungover.

And I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t the case at my first job – McDonald’s cashier, always fun – where the managers seemed to exist purely to make you miserable and being treated like an illiterate by the customers made me want to scratch my eyes out. The perk there was free food on your break, which looking back actually did go quite a long way to making up for it.

Now though, the perks at my current job aren’t hidden. Or made up. Or should I say, perK – singular. In fact, she even has a name.

I used to call her Sixer.

Last orders at the bar

The last orders bell rang out, and with it came one final surge of: two pints of fosters and a vodka lemonade please mate, oh, do you have a Chardonnay?

Feet throbbing and filled with the only too frequent hatred of people having fun the bar manager looked around the floor, counting drinks and people in an effort to work out a best-case scenario for closing time.

‘Boss, I, uh, sorry to be the one to tell you but a couple of the beers are pretty much out’.

Watching her best-case scenario rapidly become a worst-case scenario she walked around to the back of the bar to have a look.

Yep, three barrels need changing. Fuck.

At least the punters are starting to filter out, she thought to herself as another group of sixteen year old looking boys in suits and seemingly limitless credit cards filtered out into the night, howling at some hilarity or another.

‘Right, I need to head downstairs to swap out these barrels, are you alright to organise cleaning up here?’ she directed at M, her defacto right hand.

What do you do when someone is in your library spot?

‘Every fucking time’ he grumbled, pushing past the heavy wooden door, water running down his face, ‘every time the same’. He wiped his forehead with the back of hand, and shook rain onto the floor. The librarian waved hello, and he pulled the corners of his mouth into the semblance of a smile as he shuffled past.

Still beating himself up for leaving another essay until the very last minute he headed for his usual spot, a group of desks tucked away in a dark, pokey corner where there was usually space to spread books and notes all over.

The library was busier than usual, with groups of students stood chatting in the aisles. Probably hiding away from the sudden deluge, he thought, more than slightly annoyed that he was there to work and they were in his way. Frustration bubbling over, he rounded the corner to his spot and felt the last drop of his goodwill fall out the bottom of his shoes.

Sodden and stressed, he stood and looked at his usually private collection of tables, now entirely covered in papers and overturned books. ‘For fu-‘

‘You alright?’

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