Seduced by an aristocratic cougar

My first go at some of this. Part one is below. Tell me if you like it but also feel free to tell me to stop lol.

Paul was a respectable figure in his local community. Aged 35 he had always been a “joiner in”, raising funds for the local community, meeting with the local pastor. A middle-class man who grew up in a regular family with no pretences, he was doing well for himself. Five years ago, he had been elected to the local city council, very young to do so. A tall man who always talked and acted like a man ten years older, he was the face of respectability. Married to his childhood sweetheart and with a senior role in a local haulage firm, his evenings were filled with charitable dinners and company events. When he wasn’t doing that he would often be on the road with work, travelling to close a new contract or at work training or conferences.