Fulfilling Her Calling

It was a night like any other, except it wasn’t. She was standing there in the bathroom touching up her lipstick and taking one last look at her lingerie in the mirror. It was a beautiful shade of red which matched her lipstick just so perfectly that when she saw it in the store the day before she knew it was meant to be.

She looked down at her phone and it blinked 7:58 PM. Her heart which had already been racing picked up the pace and her hands began to tremble. Thank god she thought that this happened now and not a few minutes ago when she was applying her makeup.

She knew that when that clock struck 8:00 PM that her life was about to change forever. She made her way down the stairs and waited by the door on her knees like they had fantasized so many times before. They had talked about this day for so long and finally it was happening, she was about to fulfill her calling. She was about to be bred. She had yearned to be a mother for as long as she could remember. Most girls dreamed about their wedding, which she did too but she also dreamed about the day she would start a family with her man.

Categorized as Erotica

A Helping Hand

She needed a helping hand, no … her and her husband needed a helping hand she thought . She was here now for them both and for their future family, except for one small wrinkle. They had been trying for months and months without success. Her husband refused to get tested but she had secreted away and found out she was very fertile, so fertile that the doctor hadn’t seen results like it ever in her career. She knew she wasn’t the problem, she wanted a family, and if she needed a helping hand from her best friend’s husband? That was worth it.
She was standing there in the bathroom having her best friend touch up her lipstick. She took one last look at herself in the mirror. Her friend had went with her earlier that day to shop for some lingerie for that night and in the mirror she had never felt more sexy. It was a beautiful shade of red which matched her lipstick just so perfectly. She had also never felt so confident, as her friend was sporting a baby bump and had had to send her others away to grandma’s for this special weekend. What granny didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her and what her husband didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him either. He thought she had gone away for a girl’s weekend to the spa to relax and come back ready to try anew. In some ways it wasn’t a lie; her friend had promised her that she would get many massages, bubble baths, and be pampered in between being bred. She would also come back wanting to try again, except that was more so the timing wouldn’t seem off when the results came back positive.

Fulfilling Her Calling

It was a night like any other, except it wasn’t. She was standing there in the bathroom touching up her lipstick and taking one last look at her lingerie in the mirror. It was a beautiful shade of red which matched her lipstick just so perfectly that when she saw it in the store the day before she knew it was meant to be.

She looked down at her phone and it blinked 7:58 PM. Her heart which had already been racing picked up the pace and her hands began to tremble. Thank god she thought that this happened now and not a few minutes ago when she was applying her makeup.

She knew that when that clock struck 8:00 PM that her life was about to change forever. She made her way down the stairs and waited by the door on her knees like they had fantasized so many times before. They had talked about this day for so long and finally it was happening, she was about to fulfill her calling. She was about to be bred. She had yearned to be a mother for as long as she could remember. Most girls dreamed about their wedding, which she did too but she also dreamed about the day she would start a family with her man.

Categorized as Erotica

A (Not So) Quiet Night In

One evening, in our cozy home we finish our dinner and head for the living room intending to cuddle up to a movie perhaps. I look down at you and into your beautiful eyes and see a glimmer that I have never seen before. I lean down and softly kiss your forehead once, twice, three times. I turn away but you grab my hand. I give you a knowing glance to let you know I’m not going far. I reach over and turn on the CD player, select song 10 and turn back to you. I wrap my arms around your waist and you grab hold of me. As the music starts we look down at each other and move our hips side to side with the rhythm of the music. With each passing melody we pull each other in closer.

I softly kiss you on the lips, give your bottom lip a little nibble, and then kiss down your neck. I whisper sweet nothings in your ear and promises of the things to come that evening. You run your fingers through my hair and gently scratch my neck as you wrap your arms around me once more. I lower my hands from your waist and squeeze your butt. You let out a little gasp and bite your lip ever so sexily. You kiss me softly, with each kiss lingering just a moment more. The feeling of your soft lips on my skin is electric.

Categorized as Erotica