Sandra’s Second Training Session

Link to the first one here :) [](

Sandra woke up shivering and aching, the memories of her time with Drake still fresh in her mind. She got dressed to go to work, but before she knew it, she was back in Drake’s shop. It was as if her subconscious had taken her there without her even noticing. Drake was waiting for her, a wicked grin on his face. “Good morning, my dear,” he said. “Did you miss me?” Sandra shook her head, but deep down, she knew that she had. She was addicted to the pleasure, to the submission, to the power that Drake held over her. And she knew that she would never be able to escape his grasp, no matter how hard she tried. She was his slave, his pet, his plaything, his possession. And she loved every second of it.

Categorized as Erotica

Sandra’s First Training Session

Sandra, a powerful and independent woman, had grown tired of the high-stress life that she had built for herself. She knew that her body and mind were craving something more primal, something that would give her the pleasure she craved. In a moment of clarity, she decided to submit herself to a brainwashing program, one that would turn her into a submissive addict to sex. She knew it was the only way to satisfy the deep urges within her, and so she willingly surrendered herself to the program, eager to see where it would take her.

Sandra arrived at the small, nondescript shop, located in an alleyway that only the most adventurous would dare to wander. Drake, the therapist, greeted her at the door, his piercing blue eyes locked on hers. “Welcome, Sandra,” he said, leading her inside. “I am here to guide you through our program, to unlock your deepest desires and turn you into the submissive slave you’ve always wanted to be.” Drake explained the program, the strict rules that she would have to follow, and the many ways in which he would train her to crave pleasure and serve him. Finally, he looked into her eyes and asked for her final consent. “There is no turning back, Sandra. Once you give me your final consent, you will be mine forever.” Sandra nodded, a look of determination on her face. “I am ready,” she said. “I want this more than anything.”

Categorized as Erotica

The elven glade

As the sun sets on the glade, two elves find themselves alone, their long hair flowing in the wind. The male elf, with his muscular physique, notices the curves of the female elf’s body as she leans over to braid his hair. She, in turn, admires the strong lines of his shoulders and chest as she works. The closeness between them is electric, and they cannot help but touch each other’s hair and bodies as they braid. With every brush of their fingers, they long for more, their eyes locked in desire. As the braiding comes to an end, they can no longer resist their urges, and they embrace each other in a passionate kiss, their bodies entwined in the glade.

ith a mischievous smile, the female elf deftly moves her hand down the male elf’s chiseled abs, brushing past the hair on his lower stomach to grasp his pulsing manhood. She expertly moves her fingers up and down, while her other hand grips his toned thigh, running her nails down the length of his leg. The male elf’s breath quickens, and he grasps her shoulders for support as he feels her warm lips on his neck, planting light kisses up to his ear, where she nibbles and whispers her love for him. Meanwhile, she skillfully rubs her delicate feet on his inner thigh, her toes curling around his manhood, driving him wild with lust.

Categorized as Erotica