Just on the Other Side of the Screen Door

Marshal Case is the owner of a bar I frequent. My buddy, Todd works as the maintenance guy there and bartends part time. He and I work together at the car dealership and we had a hell of a week. We needed to let loose. We headed over to Marshal’s place to have a few drinks. I don’t know him that well but I thought he was a decent guy. He has no family and he dates a new girl every week. He is an impressively large man. 6’2″ 300 lbs maybe. His arms are huge.

He had just hired a new girl named Amy. She was young, thin and very attractive. The guys around the bar teased Marshal about her relentlessly. The running joke was that Marshall hired her because she had an ass that didn’t quit.

Todd bellied up to the bar and we both ordered drinks. One drink turned into ten and I had to visit the mens room. As I walked toward the back of the bar where the restroom is located, I approached the back door also. The entry door was open and the only thing separating us from the mosquitoes was the screen door. It made sense. This is Florida. It’s hot and the kitchen was right there. Marshal was probably taking garbage out and or something.

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