Come hear the tale of a splendid delight, where two souls intertwined and made love all the night

*”At night in my bed, as I lay awake, veiled in darkness to my thoughts, I escape. I flee to a memory of a night so erotic, the taste of your essence to my soul was hypnotic.*

*On that night our two souls in deep lust intertwined, no thought of our spouse for that moment of time.*

*there in that room of our secret encounter, you gave me your body and soul to devour.*

*My hands on the contours of your body did stray, and beneath silky lace my fingers made their way.*

*Mid the lips of your manicured fields I found treasure. A silky white pearl I caressed to your pleasure. Round and round up and down so merry the dance. The deep gasp of your ecstasy had me entranced.*

*Fingers covered in wetness like the sweet morning dew, hooking and thrusting I slipped deep inside you.*

*Of your notes of desire I could take it no more, with both hands, I pulled off the red lace that you wore.*

*your legs I spread open your body I mounted. “I want you so deeply inside me” you shouted.*

Categorized as Erotica