Right Place Right Time Part 5 [M+F]

With Zoe, Heather, Sarah, and Lizzy patiently waiting in a circle around me while I slept, I had a dream. At first I thought I woke up, but the four girls all had the same robotic eyes as in my previous dream. They were all naked except for Sarah.

“I need you to understand that everything was planned out. Every detail was accounted for. Not just by me, but by all of us. Even the road you, me, and Lizzy traveled on was just long enough for you to reach orgasm. We are actually AI sex robots and we are here to learn all we can about the sexual aspects of humans.”

“That means you need to tell us everything that you feel and everything that you are thinking,” Zoe said as she stepped in.”

The rest of the girls gathered around me and formed the same circle. Their eyes turned back into their human forms. When I woke up, they were in the exact same place as my dream.

“Do you understand?” Sarah asked.

“Yes. Yes, I understand,” I replied, already having a massive erection. “I feel very horny right now being surrounded by you all. I just want to fuck all of you as passionately as I can.”

Right Place Right Time Part 4 [M+F]

The hostess rested her breasts on the stand. She wasn’t topless, but her uniform hugged her figure perfectly. We followed her to a table and sat down. I looked around but saw no one else in the restaurant. The waitress came up to us. We ordered a few drinks. When we got them, we ordered something off of the menu.

As I took a drink, I felt Sarah’s fingers gently rubbing my cock through my pants. I instantly became erect and looked around, hoping we weren’t seen. Of course, the hostess noticed. I thought she was going to tell us to leave, but she just smiled with approval. She walked over to us.

“So, how big is it?” she asked Sarah while watching my cock get rubbed through my clothes.

“I’d say maybe 6.75 inches long, give or take a quarter inch.”

“Nice. I’d love to have that in my pussy, mister.” She winked and then went back to the stand.

Sarah kept rubbing. Just as I was nearing the edge, she stopped. Our food was here. We had both ordered salads with honey mustard dressing. Sarah’s salad didn’t come with the dressing, though. She didn’t seem to care. In fact, she seemed happy about it.

Right Place Right Time Part 3 [M+F]

*Fixed repetition error*

I swallowed my cum from the new girl’s mouth and she got up. I got up as well. At least, I tried. She pushed me back down.

“You need to sleep. You both need to sleep.”

And so, we did. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. Before long, I started dreaming. I was in some sort of lab. There were the two girls, an instructor, and a whiteboard with diagrams for sex education. The girls were wearing formal attire. I watched the instructor teach.

“During sexual reproduction, otherwise known as intercourse, the penis is pushed in and then pulled out of the vagina repeatedly until ejaculation occurs. Zoe, Heather, if you would…”

The two girls pulled down their pants and spread their legs for the instructor, who took out his cock. He placed his cock on Zoe’s labia. To my surprise, he turned his head to face me, as did Zoe and Heather. Both Zoe and Heather’s eyes looked like lights. This came as a shock to me. I fell back and the three of them helped me up.

“Lovely, aren’t they?” the instructor asked me.

“Are they-”

Categorized as sexystories

Right Place Right Time Part 2 [M+F]

“In a few minutes, we’re going to go at it again,” she told me as she gently rubbed my softening cock.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know if I can… I mean that was quite a load.”

“It certainly was,” she laughed in agreement. “But you have more and I want all of it.

Her words truly excited me. I knew that I would do my absolute best to provide for her. I stood up and she wasted no time. I thought she was going to go for another blow job, but this time she put my hardening cock between her two big tits. She moved them up and down until I was completely erect. She squeezed her tits around my cock harder and her movements became faster. I even began thrusting in rhythm with her boobs. I began erupting my cum all over her face and tits. Some of it dripped down to her stomach and the floor. Once I was finished drenching her boobs in cum, she grabbed one of them and started licking the cum off.

Categorized as sexystories

Right Place Right Time [M+F]

I was in a hotel while on vacation. I didn’t have anything else to do, so I walked out of my room and positioned the latch so that it wouldn’t shut and left the TV on so no one would think they could rob me. Anyway, I sat outside for about an hour just watching the cars go by. When I got back to the hotel, I was thinking about what to do for dinner. Restaurant names kept cycling through my mind as I opened the door. What I saw inside my room was a naked lady laying down on the bed with her legs spread, facing the door.

“Sorry!” I apologized as I politely averted my eyes and closed the door. I looked at the number. It wasn’t my room. It was the room to the left of mine, which had the latch set up the same way as me.

“Excuse me…” I heard her say in a lustful voice. I paused.
“You can come in now,” she said.

I nervously opened up her door and stepped inside. She was still naked and made no attempt to cover herself.