Neither of them wore any panties on the way back and Maria kept flashing her breasts to Sia while on the tram, which was almost completely empty. Sometimes Sia would pull away at her own pants to show her a glimpse of her mons pubis and they would both giggle.
As they sat, Sia by the window, Maria slipped a hand into her pants and started slowly rubbing her pussy. She kept going at it, until Sia started moaning, then she stopped abruptly and pulled her hand back. Then Sia pulled Maria’s hand back and started moving her hips against it, after which Maria obediently helped her to orgasm. Sia saw some glances from outside, seemingly puzzled and confused as to what may be happening inside there.
They finally arrived at Maria’s flat. It was in a large complex of about three fifty floor tall buildings, connected to each other. It seemed to be a bit towards the upper class end of the social pyramid. Sia was a bit surprised, but didn’t let it be noticed, by saying something about how she had once been to a hotel which was even bigger than this building. Maria laughed and patted her on her head.