Under a Spell

Under a Spell (Cheating, Risky, Magic, BBW)

Rune stepped down into the main living room space of his studio apartment casting his gaze around. All through the last several nights he’d woken up at 1am to the sound of a muted thud in his apartment. Since the entire interior space was one room essentially this made it sound like someone had entered his apartment. Rune checked the sliding glass door to his patio and found it locked tight still but the sense of another presence remained. He couldn’t understand what was making the noise? Even in the dark with nothing but the light from an outside lamp filtering through the patio door, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. A shudder crept through him as he scanned the room from floor to ceiling. The main living space had a high ceiling, 18 feet or so, and in the dark the space seemed to yawn open like a greyish maw.

Rune shook his head. He had no issue imagining shadow figures or anything spooky jumping from out of corners in his minds eye. Knowing he’d only lose more sleep he tromped back up the stairs to his bedroom area. He crawled back beneath his sheets and sighed when the thump sounded again. He ignored the noise and soon he returned to sleep.

The Sea Witch (Fantasy) (Horror) (Breeding)

I pressed against the door slowly opening it, my muscles tensed for something to reach out and grab me. As the door swung open my heart was pounded in my chest. I knew something was in here, and I had mixed feelings about facing it. Not many common folk like me were ever summoned to the tower on the bluffs. As my eyes adjusted to the room’s interior I glanced around taking in my surroundings, an ornate bed sat opposite a gently flickering enchanted fire, blue flames licked at the air making the room smell brisk and almost damp like a cave on the coast. Candles burned with identical flames giving the whole room an ethereal glow. I stepped lightly on the wooden floor towards the bed where a seemingly sleeping figure silently lay. I could see it breathing gently. A breeze from the open window kissed the sweat on my chest and I shivered lightly from a mixture of excitement and fear.

The sleeping figure then sat up gently having noticed my presence. Through the canopy I could make out soft wavy hair of a dark shade, it was hard to tell by the poor candle light. Then it, excuse me, SHE spoke.

A night to remember. (An experiment)

(Erotica, ex-lover, oral, bdsm, bukkake,)

10:15 PM December 31st

The snow fell gently outside. No breeze tormented the bare skin of John Clement. He didn’t feel much after what had just happened. Tugging his scarf closer around his face he stepped off the platform at the tram station and proceeded into the silent street and headed for his apartment. He staggered a bit feeling the daze of the weed being smoked at the New Year’s party. Contact highs were a curse to him, almost anything could give him a buzz. He trudged up the stairs to his loft room and fumbled for his key.

“You’re home early…too much smoke?” Said the sultry and Seductive voice of Alessa Carmine who was leaning against the window at the end of the hall.

“If you think I regret going out, you’re wrong.” John said sternly, noise at all treading on his irritable nerves. “Everyone was dividing up into pairs so I decided to take my leave.”

Alessa waltzed over to him smiling with crimson red lips. “What’s the matter? You couldn’t acquire company? Or was there just, nothing available that pleased you?”