Her Name was Alice A True Story

This is a 100% true story.

Her name was Alice and she was a good friends sister. We used to do SCA–Society for Creative Anachronism- Role Playing Medieval Characters and fighting with rattan weapons. After big tournaments there would usually be a feast and dancing. So imagine your wearing medieval garb, sitting in a civic hall and everyone is calling themselves “Sir This,” and “Lady That,”

I (18 at the time) 6 foot 3 and 180lbs, was actually crushing on a different girl but Alice (18 at the time) was super fun to talk to. She was about 5,3 on a petite frame but she packed an amazing rack 38DDs that were just fantastic, sat way up high and she had beautiful blonde hare and big blue eyes. Her smile was contagious and she was a joy to be around. I just happened to be interested in a different lady. Alice and I would flirt but I never really thought anything of it.

Categorized as Erotica