Sex by the roses [bf/gf] [outside sex] [creampie] [female pov]

Passion among the roses

My boyfriend had been away visiting his family for a week, we’d traded some pictures and sexted a little, but I missed the contents of his trousers and needed his paws on my skin again.

He was due to arrive back home at 5pm on a sunday. I left a note just inside the front door:
“I’m hiding somewhere, come find your hungry sex kitten, theres a clue in the bedroom”
Where he found a rose and another note:
“Follow your nose to please your heart”

He went outside, into the cool evening air and warm sunshine, along the path in the garden, to the bed of roses I asked the gardner to help me keep so we’d have a supply for romantic needs. Where he could see a small tanned foot peaking out from some longer grass next to the bed. We’d often sit there together in the warm summer, drinking iced juice or licking icecreams by the scent of roses.

Story I wrote for a friend about me and my boy [M/F] [kinda cute?] [BF GF] [POV of female]

You asked if me and my boy have ever done anything in the car? Well, we’ve had two, both quite small, a BMW Z4 and a jaguar f type. Only two seats so not much room for mischief. But the BMW was convertible… once, not long after we got it, dad was having a couple of work people over at the house, knowing we wouldn’t be able to have any real fun without distrubing them we decided to go for a drive out of town.

I grabbed some snacks and we got in the car, we drove out of the city and east towards the coast. I was driving, so he put some music on and we listened and occasionally sang along when he could convince me to. We kept on for a little while until we’d left the city behind and found some place quiet, secluded and peaceful. The air was cool and crisp, the sun wasn’t far from disappearing. Some of the early nocturnal animals were peaking out and some even played with each other as we watched from inside the car under a blanket we’d brought and nestled together.