[Str8; Mf(F); Exh; Voy; Age; BDSM] Cause for concern? – part 10

We go upstairs and Alice gives me her thong. The one that Mikey had used to masturbate. I take it to my bedroom and put in my bedside drawer.

When we are both changed, we get in the car and head for the stables.

We spend a pleasant afternoon together, enjoying our shared interest in horses and riding.

We return home to find that Mikey is already there. I go for a shower and change into yoga pants and a top. I do not change my thong and I do not put on a bra. Alice goes for a shower and comes back downstairs wrapped in her towel.

“I’ll get dressed for my party, after tea,” she tells us. “You haven’t forgot about my sleepover, have you mummy?”

“No, darling, I haven’t,” I reply, as I notice that Mikey takes in how little Alice’s towel covers.

We eat pizza for tea. Then Alice goes to get dressed and to get her things together for her sleepover.

I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then I say to Mikey, “Alice told me about the thong.” I wait for his reaction.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh; Age] Cause for concern? – part 9

By the time I am showered and dressed, Mikey has left to go golfing with his mates.

I tidy-up while I wait for Alice to be ready. I don’t have a maid service on a weekend.

Alice and I have a pleasant morning shopping for clothes and then for food for the week ahead. I raise some objections to some of Alice’s choice of clothes but she reminds me that I agreed to a clothing allowance for her precisely so that she could make her own choices.

We return home for lunch. Alice seems to have something on her mind. Eventually she speaks.

“Mummy,” she starts, hesitantly.

“Yes, darling?” I reply, wondering what is coming.

“Are you and Mikey … serious? I mean, is it a long-term *thing* … you and him?”

I’m a little taken aback, but I answer, “Well, I wouldn’t have suggested that he move in with us, if it wasn’t serious, but I’m not sure if it is permanent. I’m not planning to marry him or have his children, if that is what is bothering you!”

“Oh!” she says and hesitates again.

“Do you have kinky sex with him?” she asks, suddenly.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern? – part 8

The next morning (Saturday) I wake later than usual. I feel my used throat and ass and remember last night’s sex. Mikey was particularly energetic!

I look across at Mikey. He is still asleep. I get up, go to the bathroom and put on my robe. I don’t fasten it. Then I head downstairs to the kitchen.

I make coffee and get some cereal. Alice appears, still in her baby doll pyjamas.

“The movie was fun last night, mummy,” she tells me.

“Yes it was, darling,” I say. And then I add, “Don’t you have any other PJs to wear, other than those? Isn’t it about time that you put them in the laundry hamper?”

“Sorry, mummy. They’re my favourites! I’ll put them in the washing when I go for my shower.”

“And Mikey’s favourites, too!” I tell her and we laugh together.

Alice gets her own breakfast. She sits down opposite me.

“You’ve not forgotten that I am going to a birthday party and sleepover, tonight, have you?” Alice says to me.

“No darling, I’ve not forgotten,” I reassure her. I’m looking forward to Mikey and I having the house to ourselves, tonight.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern – part 7

“Oh,” I say. I seem to remember seeing *American Pie* at the cinema with a boyfriend. I recall it being rather raunchy. I also remember it as being very funny (at least to my teenage self, at the time), if in a rather embarrassing and cringeworthy way! It certainly helped open-up dialogue between me and my then boyfriend on various sexual topics.

“This should be interesting!” I add and then ask Mikey if he has seen it, before. He says that he has not.

I turn out the lights as we settle on the bed to watch the movie. We sit together, in the middle of the bed. I notice that Mikey is having difficulty arranging his short robe so as to cover what little modesty he has left!

The movie starts with a scene in which a teenage boy is caught, by his parents, masturbating into a sock. It continues in a similar vein, with multiple scenes implying male and female masturbation and, mainly, oral sex.

As the movie progresses, the initial embarrassment dissipates and we all three laugh openly at the rather crude visual and oral jokes.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern – part six

My PA interrupts me. My next meeting is due. I put my phone aside.

An hour later, I text Mikey to say that I will be late home from work. I tell him to order a delivery for dinner for him and Alice and I will put something in the microwave for myself, when I get home. I need to catch up with the work I missed, earlier.

It’s 7.30pm when I get home. Alice hears my car and greets me as I enter the house. She comes running along the corridor, her tits bouncing freely beneath her top, and embraces me, even before I have chance to put down my bag.

“Guess what!” she declares. “Mikey has been showing me how to use the weights in the gym. It’s fun!”

“I’m sure it is,” I reply, remembering what I saw on the CCTV system and feeling myself get aroused.

“He says that we can do it, again, anytime. But I shouldn’t use the weights when he isn’t there to supervise me because it would be dangerous!” Alice tells me.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern? – part 4

[I originally published this in the wrong subreddit.]

I wake the next morning with pleasant memories of the previous night.

Mikey is just stirring.

I decide to shower, first. I get up and go the ensuite. When I am done and I am dried, I pull on my short satin robe and head downstairs to the kitchen. I see Mikey get up and head to the ensuite, as I leave the bedroom.

I’ve always been relaxed about my clothing around the house. I suppose, if I had had a son, instead of a daughter, or a son and a daughter, I would have dressed differently at home. But, firstly with my late husband, and then with just Alice at home, it didn’t seem to matter what I wore, or what I showed around the house.

I put on the coffee and get myself some cereal.

Alice joins me as I am eating. She is wearing the same pyjamas as yesterday. I’ve recently started giving her a monthly allowance, so that she can buy some of her own clothes. The pyjamas must be new. I’ve not seen them before. They’re a baby doll style, of top and shorts. I’m about to say something about them, when Mikey arrives. I decide to speak to Alice, later, when we are alone.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy; Exh] Cause for concern? – part 5

“Mikey likes my new PJs!” the words echo in my ears as I drive to the office. *You bet he does, young miss!*, I think. He likes what is inside them, too!

I’m not sure how I feel about all of this. How aware is Alice of how Mikey sees her? Is she deliberately flirting with him? Is my boyfriend getting off fantasising about my daughter? Why do I get aroused at these thoughts?

I arrive at work and park up. I go to the office and try and focus on work.

About mid-morning, I check on the cameras in the house, on my phone. I see the daily maid changing our bed. I don’t suppose the stains from your cum and my vaginal juices will come as any surprise to her.

I check again, at lunchtime, but all is quiet. There’s no reason why it wouldn’t be. I’m not even sure why I checked. I must be getting suspicious!

Then I check again, in late afternoon. I see Alice in the study doing her homework. Then Mikey arrives home. He’s early, but he sometimes is on a Friday. I see them speaking, but there is no sound.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy] Cause for concern? – part 3

I join Mikey and Alice for dinner. We eat in the large kitchen/diner/living area that takes up much of the rear of the house. There is also a formal dining room, but that gets used only for entertaining and special occasions.

I look across the table at Alice. She has taken off her apron and I notice how her halter top shows off her 34B breasts. There’s even a distinct prominence where her nipples press against the thin cotton. Has Mikey noticed? Of course he has! He’d need to be blind not to. I look at Mikey and he smiles at me. Was I staring at my daughter’s breasts? I feel myself blush a little.

To move things on, I ask Alice how was her day at school and we get chatting about the usual trivia, while we eat.

When we are finished, I go to the gym while Mikey washes up. Alice goes to her room, to do whatever teenagers do in their bedrooms.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy] Cause for concern? – part 2


* *Suzie (me): mother, successful business-woman, widow, late 30s*
* *Alice: my daughter with my late husband*
* *Mikey: my live-in boyfriend, about 30 years old*

**Part 2**

As usual, I have a full and busy day at work but, in the brief breaks, my mind keeps going back to what I saw on the CCTV system, earlier. Am I reading too much into it, I wonder? At lunchtime, I check the cameras again. The house is quiet. My daughter is obviously at school and my boyfriend is at work, as I would expect.

By the end of the day, I have just about convinced myself that what I saw was perfectly innocent.

I wrap up about 5.30pm. Before I leave, I make another check of the cameras. I see my daughter in the study, still in her school uniform, apparently doing her homework. There is no sign of my boyfriend. He will not yet be home from work.

[Str8; Mf(F); Voy] Cause for concern?

My late husband set-up and developed a very successful business. He hired me as a finance graduate and I progressed to being both his finance director and his wife. Unfortunately, perhaps in part from overwork, my husband died five years ago, in his mid-thirties. I inherited the business and I still run it, today.

The bottom line is that I am very wealthy. Not mega-rich, but very comfortable, thank you very much!

A few years after we got married, my husband and I had a house built for us and our daughter. Not surprisingly, it is a very nice house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and plenty of living space. One of the things we included in the design was an internal closed-circuit television security system. There are hidden cameras in every room, except bathrooms but including bedrooms. One reason for this was because of the high value ornaments, pictures and entertainment equipment in the house. The other reason was to monitor the nannies and au pairs that we employed to look after our daughter whilst we were working or away from home.