Public Blowjob at South Beach [mf] [oral] [exh] [mast]

When she was a teenager, she snuck out of her house to meet her boyfriend in the park. Thing was, they lived in New York City, so the “park” was just a neighborhood playground with a few benches and tons of apartments surrounding it.

Her boyfriend slid his hand down her pants and fingered her until she orgasmed, not realizing that she had attracted a small crowd. After her boyfriend tiptoed back into his own apartment, Kathy was left alone to regroup after an outdoor orgasm.

She looked up and saw a few people looking on. She couldn’t she their faces, she only knew they had been watching her boyfriend get her off in public.

This seemed hotter to her than anything else that had happened that evening and she knew right away—she was an exhibitionist.

A few nights later, she returned to the park and masturbated, making the same noises she’d made with her boyfriend. The same figures appeared in their windows to watch. When she finished, she’d skip home feeling a rush of excitement.

Kathy always found herself in situations where there might be one or two onlookers, but the more she fooled around in public, the more she craved.

Beach Orgy [mmmmmmf] [anal] [mast] [oral] [DV] [DA] [fist]

We went to the beach on Friday. It was a quick three hour drive, mostly because we were so amped up. I was the only girl, though, which was awkward. A girlfriend was supposed to come with but cancelled last minute.

I knew all of six of the guys, though, and knew I’d be safe.

We got to the beach house that we rented and brought in the cooler full of beer. Immediately, someone got a bonfire going. We stripped down into our suits, which we all decided to wear under our clothes and rushed into the ocean as the sun was setting.

We did the obligatory beach stuff – set up lounge chairs around the fire, dried off, made s’more, drank too many beers. Someone drove into town to pick up a few pizzas.

The thing is, because I’m 5’1 and maybe 105, beer really takes a toll on me. Fast. I … get horny.

“I’m going back in the ocean,” I said. “Anyone wanna come?”

A few guys stood and we walked into the water, but I was untying my bra and sliding out of my bikini bottoms. I could feel their eyes watching, looking at each other in shock.

I Won’t Tell if You Don’t Pt. 2 [inc] [oral] [mast] [cum]

Stephanie and Jack — cousins so far removed it almost didn’t make sense to call them cousins, got together for coffee. But this time, they met at Stephanie’s apartment when her kid was at school and husband was at work.

See, Stephanie wanted something very specific: An affair with a man who would never be able tell a soul. And the best person to keep that sort of secret was a family member. Incest — even if the cousins are so far removed they’re not even related, is still a secret worth keeping.

“Are we really doing this?” Stephanie asked.

“I suppose so,” Jack said as he kicked his shoes off. He’d been to her place a thousand times for dinner with relatives. But this? This was new.

He recalled a memory from nearly a decade earlier when he was a teenager and she was a young adult and she called him to help her move a heavy box. She bent over and a purple thong popped out over her jeans. He jerked off to that visual for months.

I won’t tell if you don’t Pt. 1 [m] [F] [inc]

Steph was miserable in her marriage. We were distant cousins, but met when I was a kid and she was a college student and stayed close all these years.

As I got older, she was the cousin I’d run to with girl problems. Steph was the one who told me to jerk off before having sex for the first time so I could last a little longer.

When things in her marriage got tough, she confided in me, telling me she hadn’t gotten laid in over three years and slept in a different room from her husband. They only stayed together for their kid. She was looking for a guy she could trust to have an affair with — someone who wouldn’t tell.

“Don’t you miss sex?” I asked her one day when we got coffee.

“Oh my god, yes,” she laughed. “So much. I was such a hoe back then! Ohmygod okay listen to this story. I’m right out of college and this guy proposes to me. I said yes, but then decided, eh, maybe not. I had to discover myself, so I did one of those overseas charities where you build houses or whatever for poor kids. There were these three Italian men. Gorgeous. So beautiful. And I liked each of them, so. Oh, oh my god, nevermind. This is so not an okay story to tell you. You’re family!”

The bodyscanning hologram blowjob – year 2660 [oral] [scifi] [mf]

The Year was 2660 and John was about to wake up for the first time in over 300 years. Angry at the everyone, he was cryogenically frozen in an attempt to wake up to a happier world.

The first few weeks were rough, learning to walk again. Learning to eat solid foods. Also, learning new technology and customs. But the biggest shock of all was learning that Earth was no more. They’d been relocated—what was left of them—to a ship that housed nearly one million citizens.

It was a massive operation where every participant had a need. So, why at John been selected when he had been frozen this whole time? As a sort of experiment. They could learn from him.

After a month of physical therapy and education courses, he was given a small room where he would live the rest of his days.

There was a device in his room that could summon anyone or anything at a moments notice. Sort of like a virtual reality without the headset. A hologram of sorts capable of answering every question you could ask it.

Fucking the Sex Starved Neighbor [MF] [anal] [oral] [rough]

Ellen was the woman downstairs. She had two kids crammed into a small little apartment. Her husband worked during the day, she worked at night, which meant she was often home during the day.

Just so happened I worked from home, so I’d often see her in the hallway taking out the trash.

One afternoon, with a few hours to kill, I took a load of laundry downstairs and saw Ellen, folding her clothes.

“Hey neighbor,” I said casually as I dumped my clothes into the washer.

“I haven’t been fucked in two years,” she said.

I looked up in shock.

“I do everything. I wear these. Do you like these?”

She held up a racy bit of lingerie. I nodded.

“I offer to suck his dick every night. Every night! Don’t most guys want that?”

“I would,” I nodded.

“Sometimes I blame the kids. The small apartment. But most nights, they’ve got their headphones plugged in and we don’t see them for hours. I could scream at the top of my lungs and they wouldn’t hear it.”

“I’m sorry,” I said as I dropped a few quarters in the machine and hit start.

“I want your wife to watch us” [MFf] [oral] [anal] [squirt] [mast] [voy]

James had a thing for petit women. The kind that you could hoist up and fuck against a wall or spin upside down while standing up and 69. Someone you could carry up the stairs and throw into the bed.

But his wife, Olivia, was not his type. She was tall, thick and curvy. She had the body of Ashley Graham, which was beautiful nonetheless, but still, when you have a type, you have a type.

One afternoon, Olivia caught James looking at a woman in the mall. Seemed like the woman had the same taste as Olivia, so they found each other in the same stores a few times.

“You like her?” Olivia finally asked.

Scott felt put on the spot. They’d never discussed this sort of thing before.

“Uh, what? What are you talking about?” He said.

“That skinny girl over there. You like her.”

“Like her? I … I don’t even know her. What are you talking –”

“Look, I’m not stupid,” Olivia said. “I love you and you love me, but it’s obvious I’m not your type, physically, and that’s okay.”

Butthole Bukkake [FMx75] [buk] [comedy]

If Liz was even remotely attracted to you, she was gonna try and fuck you. Didn’t matter if Liz had just met you or had known you all her life — she was the definition of a slut. And she wore it as a badge of honor.

She couldn’t stand slut shaming. She didn’t marriage shame or family shame people. Why should they shame her for being who she was? Now, a lot of sluts will tell you they act the way they do because they seek attention or love because of some traumatic reason.

Not Liz. Nothing bad happened to her. She was just a horny chick who loved to fuck. Simple as that.

She’d done all sorts of shit. Let a bunch of guys piss on her? Check? Go to the sleazy bar that had a glory hole and suck off a bunch of strangers? Check. Hell, one night Liz found herself at a party in her neighborhood and went from guy to guy, summoning them to a bedroom upstairs. At the end of the night, she reckoned she’d fucked fifteen guys and her cunt was stretched out for days!

Mr. Silver Fox and the College Slut [Mf] [oral] [anal] [prostate] [mast] [cum]

Charlie headed to the bar on Friday night like he did every week. He’d chat up the regulars, play a game of pool, flirt with the other 40-something divorcees and then head home.

But this Friday was different. There was a group of young college kids. And they were trying to play pool.

Charlie, an expert billiard player, walked over and gave them a few casual pointers. One 21 year old woman, Casey, caught his eye. She had short blonde hair, stylish, like Charlize Theron when she had a bob, piercing grey eyes, and a devilish grin.

But she sucked at billiards.

“Teach me something else, Mr. Silver Fox,” she said, winking at Charlie.

“Okay,” he said, chalking up the cue. “First, my name isn’t Mr. Silver Fox. It’s Charlie.”

“I’m Casey Hough.”


“Hough. H O U G H.”

“Huh,” Charlie said with a laugh.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, old man,” she said with a grin.

After an hour or so, Charlie glanced at his watch. “Time to go.” Charlie said. “Your drinks are on me.”

Hiring a Sexy Korean High End Escort for a Weekend Getaway [Mf] [oral] [anal] [mast] [pee] [prost]

I’d been single for about four months and just started to get out of my funk when a friend told me the best way to get over someone was to get underneath someone else.

I’d been in this relationship so long, I had no understanding of the new dating apps, but I figured them out and downloaded a few. But as I combed through the photos, I felt tremendous sadness.

I couldn’t get over the breakup. Every woman looked like Angela. Everyone smiled like Angela. I couldn’t do it.

That’s when someone told me to hire a high end escort and explain the situation as clearly as possible. The point of an escort wasn’t just for sex. The point was to get out and have a wild night.

So, I went online and I found an escort who looked nothing like Angela. I found Samantha, an Asian woman, possibly Korean, with a small but nice body and messaged her.

After the end of my email, I realized I sounded like a hot mess. But Sam would understand, right? That was her job.