[m/f] Classroom

She was the kind of girl I would never fall for. Ever. Infact, she was quite the opposite of "my sort of girl"; Too thin for my liking but with an admirable hour-glass figure, a perfect ass which would get highlighted well enough for a second look whenever she wore denims and her boobs which though were admirably big and full for her body frame seemed to sag more often than not- probably more to do with her choice of bra then anything else. Her skin tone was dusky brown which I actually liked. Her face presented a good case of, at the risk of sounding very shallow, "cover the face, fuck the base". And her hair did not help her either; too thin and of a shade of brown which made them always look dirty. All this along with the fact that she lacked the basic manners and was generally foolish made her a huge no for me. Yet, there was something about her which made me want her.

Categorized as Erotica