At the café

I go to my favorite cafe. I’m wearing a short sundress, sandals, no bra, and a pair of black lace panties.
I sit across from an older gentleman reading a newspaper. He smiles at me and I smile back
Feeling bold, I open my legs a bit so he can see my panties and inner thighs under the table. I feel his eyes on my legs calfs and thighs, and I look back at him and flash a devilish smile.
It seems to work as he goes to the counter then stops at my table to ask me the time. We exchange some pleasantries, and he touches my arm sweetly.
We exchange some contact details, then I excuse myself to the toilet
While in the toilet, I hear a knock on the door, the gentleman opens it and apologizes. He has spilled some coffee on his tie and needs to use the sink.
I admit him to the toilet and as he enters I help blot the tie with a tissue from the bathroom. Holding his tie, I feel extra bold and in a flash tighten the tie around his neck
He gasps and then he kisses me passionately. He licks and bites my lips aggressively taking me in, then sucks kisses and licks my neck and earlobes
He whispers in my ear and asks me if I want to be his little bathroom slut …
I moan in encouragement
I kiss passionately and he presses me against the wall
He explores my lips and mouth then kisses my bare shoulder and neck
He licks and sucks my earlobe and as I writhe in pleasure he removes the delicate straps of my dress
He removes my bra and kisses down my chest to my breasts
He licks and teases the area around my nipples, then brushes his tongue against the now hard and erect nipple.
He licks and sucks the nipple, his hands trailing down my back
He cups my breasts with his his hands taking turns sucking each breast and nipple.
He gently bites my causing a quick sensation of pain, then pleasure.
He turns me around so I am facing the wall.
He places my hands above my head then traces his tongue down my back.
He removes my panties and they are spread between my legs over your calves.
He licks down the small of my back then down your buttocks and in between my. legs
His tongue traces and teases my lips
Then my inner thighs legs and pussy
He inserts a finger in my pussy, gently moving it in and out touching my gspot on the top wall of my pussy each time
He withdraws his fingers and licks my juices telling me how delicious I taste
He continues to finger me licking my juices from his fingers telling me how beautiful my pussy looks with his fingers moving in and out of me.
He slaps my ass leaving red marks on each buttock.
He tells me how sexy my body is, and tells me that I will be his little whore.
He licks my inner thighs then between my legs licking my juices.
Then he licks up and down the shaft of my clitoris each side as he settles on licking the little knob of my clit.

Categorized as Erotica

School trip, part 2

I had no choice but agree… if they sent this out, I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere near the school, or anywhere… No more dancerecitals or hanging out with my friends at the stables, with my horse my father gave me…

I had to go along. No choice.

«You’re meeting us tomorrow before school!» Tom said. He was usually the leader of the three. Oldest, 21 years old. Kept back two years, because of behavior…. my girlfriends says he raped someone, but I never beleived it. Until now…

George and Adam grinned, looking at my torn dress, their eyes unable to move from my breasts… «you know where!», Adam said. «Be there…!»

I collected my things, took my coat on and got to the bus. My teacher standing by the door, counting everyone…. he looked at me as I came towards the bus, he was smiling. «Aaand here’s our last one! You know the same rules apply on school-trips as in school, young lady. No tardiness. I’m writing you up for detention tomorrow morning. Do not be late!»

I go to the back of the bus. Tom, Adam and George grinning… As I pass them, George whispers «oh, you’re gonna be late…!» And a laugh…

School trip….

I’m on a school trip. We get to the place, a museum, and we are allowed to go on our own….

I head off in my own direction, looking around…. suddenly, I’m cornered by three of the boys in my class… they had been following me, waiting for the perfect place….

one of them grabs me, and another slaps me hard in the face… «we know you like this, slut!» he says to me… «we’ve seen how you act around our teacher… You’re OURS to fuck, not his…»

He slaps me again, and the pain is really turning me on, and instead of a scream, I gasp… They look at eachother, smiling, and he rips my dress, tearing it, exposing my breasts.

For some reason, I didn’t put on underwear this day…perhaps the thought of a whole day around him, with nothing but a thin fabric between us, turned me on….

One of the boys bite my nipple and breast, and the one holding me is grabbing at my ass… I can feel his cock hard against my ass… The one who slapped me is standing watching, jerking off to the sight…. they force me to my knees and I am surrounded by their cocks….

Categorized as Erotica