A Novel Punishment [Gender TF]

The year is 2047. After decades of war, and suffering, the world has splintered into multiple dictatorships, led by twisted despots. This, of course, brews discontent. But in this country, there’s a novel solution. You see, the despot that held sway over this particular land likes not to slay, but to turn dissidents into horny dripping sluts, either to pleasure himself, or his key supporters, or even the 100 million or so that call this country home.

And today, one more dissident shall meet this fate. To become a slut. To be fucked. His name is Edward.

“And now I declare, with unanimous decision from the Grand Jury, that Edward Smith is sentenced to transformation,” declared the judge, “And I am honoured to order that the sentence shall be carried out immediately.”

Edward was dragged from the courthouse, to what seems like a jail. He was strapped into a table, as he shouted and thrashed against the restraints. Soon, with the rhythmic tapping of 4-inch heels, the [executioner](https://images.esellerpro.com/2448/I/388/13/FDS43487_ebay.jpg) stepped into the room, the door shutting behind her.

Categorized as Erotica