A Dazed Fantasy [mf]

Well…I’m slowly waking up. Everything is dim still, but the light from outside is coming in through the slits on the blinds. I lift my head up slightly and one of the beams of light hits my eye. I don’t like it, so I lean back down. My eyes close again. I hear your footsteps, though. I hear you getting closer to the door. Then you stop. Don’t say a word, but I know you’re there and watching me. Maybe trying to decide if I am awake. Or fully aware I am and waiting for me to admit it.

Finally I open my eyes, again, and lift my head up, again. Immediately, I’m floored. Well, on the bed, but nonetheless happily surprised. You’re standing there, wearing the shirt I had on last night. Your hair cascading down your shoulders, resting on the collar and the pocket. A couple of buttons undone…and nothing else but that cheeky smile. And you don’t say anything. You don’t need to. Because you know what you do to me and how you’re wired into my brain. Before I know it, I’m throwing the covers off and sitting up. And you, always cheeky you…do a half twirl in place, throw your hair back, send a quick glance my way…then walk away into the next room.