Fun with Ryan

I hear the door open and turn to see who’s there. Surprisingly, I see Ryan standing in the doorway.

He walks towards me with purpose and says my name. At the same time, he takes his first finger and thumb placing it under my chin and lifting my head to meet his striking blue eyes, “I want you now”. … A wave of nausea and excitement hit me…
He places his hand on my lower back and slides it up to my shoulders bringing me into him. Immediately I tense up with cautiousness. “Please”. I plead, not aware the word was coming out of my mouth. …Not sure if I was saying please stop or please continue.

He takes my hand and walks me to the bedroom. Interested, I quietly follow. He sits me on the edge of the bed and retreats for a moment returning with a bag. He puts it down beside my feet and whispers into my ear, “I’m going to take you now.” …Hearing these words arouse me and frighten me…
His breath falling into my ear and down my neck makes my pussy moisten. He leans into me and kisses my neck. I tilt my my head back welcoming his soft lips, as he licks, sucks and bites my neck.
Exhaling gently, I enjoy the senses of his touch. He gently pushes me back on the bed and I try to stop the backward movement, saying “No.”

Categorized as Erotica