My First Erotic Story – Female POV Based On True Events

Disclaimer: This is a true story. Most details are accurate to the best of my memory. Please be kind! I’ve been wanting to write erotic lit for a while now and figured no better place to start than from real life. ;)

I still remember that night, six years ago, like it was yesterday. It was all intentional and skillfully planned. At 25, my body was young and supple but also soft. I wasn’t in the best shape of my life but I was decently attractive and thin enough with long dark hair and pretty features. Plus I wasn’t kidding myself in knowing that most single men can’t turn down an attractive female.

He was a sight for sore eyes. He had a chiseled face and body. Even though he didn’t show it off, it was apparent he was in excellent shape. A quick peek through his social media revealed an extremely athletic lifestyle of hiking, skating, snowboarding, and the like and he didn’t look half bad doing it. In fact, he was gorgeous, who am I kidding? And he gave off this sort of bookworm innocence which I would soon learn was all but the truth.

Categorized as Erotica