Summer of Dan, chap. 01

Daniel “Dan” Epps lay on a hammock in his parents backyard, totally bored… and pissed. His parents had moved across the county to a new house in a gated, private, upscale neighborhood in his last months of high school, and none of his mates or anyone near to his age lived here. That had not been a problem, until the spare car had broken down, and so with no wheels, he was stuck here most days with little to do until his parents came home, and really, there was just so much gaming a guy could do. As his school’s track star, Dan had most of college paid via scholarship, he just had to maintain top shape for a few months during the summer. So most mornings, Dan would go for a run, stop by the community pool for some early morning laps, followed by a workout in their gym, but after that it was gaming and boredom. College, with campus life and promise of coeds galore, was so close…& yet seemed so far away.