Summer of Dan, Chapter 11

10 [](

Although today’s escapades took place in her own bed, Jean pretty much passed out afterwards, unable to do anything more. Some time later, she felt herself being nudged carefully and caringly awake. It was Dan, her tormentor, her Man. Jean knew she was married, but felt oddly somehow connected to this young man. Jean had experienced only a few men in her past that really knew their way around a bedroom, but that was ***nothing*** compared to this.

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Summer of Dan, Chapter 10

9 – [](

It was a day later, and Jean was beginning to think she had a split personality.  It was her own bit of sarcasm, of course, but she felt truly torn.  She should hate this kid.  She should be doing everything in her considerable power to ***crush*** him….yet…she wasn’t, and did not know why.  Normally at this point, several weeks into this, Jean would have long since turned the tables on this young man, despite the high stakes of killing her marriage and even losing her place in local society, yet again, no.  Earlier in life, Jean had used her body many times and many ways to get her desired result, and she was not sure exactly what it was that ***made*** her hesitate, but one this she was sure of…this young man had SKILLS, much like what she was going thru right now.

Summer of Dan, Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – [](

Dan was pleased with his toy’s performance. This was really working out better than he could have *ever* hoped! However, their day together was still not complete. Getting up slowly from the bed, he walked over to his dresser, and came back with a large bottle of lotion. He could see his possession was watching with a weary, yet pleased look. Getting back on the bed, Dan told his toy, “Ok, good, you are exceeding my expectations. Now…let’s real slowly roll over…” and he began to move his toy on to her stomach. “No one will be home here for several hours, and your husband until well after that, so we have time. Now, you have done so well for me, here is something *just* for you…” and with that, Dan applied some lotion to his hands, and began a deep, slow back rub. He worked steadily and in a determined manner, yet he continued, rubbing, caressing, working his way down his toy’s back. At her hips, he moved over and began to run her thighs, moving along each one. The purpose was relaxation, not sexual, and he was successful, as his toy was out within minutes.

Categorized as Erotica

Summer of Dan, Chapter 8


Jean had really been put thru the mental ringer as of late. First, she decides to have a damn-stupid fling with a pool boy, then she finds herself being blackmailed, basically raped…and now *this*? Here she was, having had the most incredible orgasm she could recall a short time ago, yet here she was, now trying to maintain her composure with the maid, with a pair of metal balls in her vagina! On top of that she was going to go to her next door neighbor’s house in a short time, to get her twat tortures & pounded yet again…and she was somehow looking forward to it…what the FUCK!!!

Summer of Dan, Chapter 7

Chapter 6 – [](

Jean was actually feeling a more than a bit spent, having spent last few hours being made to submit, sexually tease, then fucked to her second hard, power orgasm in the last few days, and it bore mentioning that it had been a LONG time since she had something so powerful. This was the thing; for many-many years, jean had been little more than an object, and so she had used that, and simply turned it about on the very men who only *thought* they knew her. And now this upstart of a young man was teaching her things *about herself* and her psyche that she did not know. She hated and loved all at the same time that this was happening. There was a lot to sort out, but at least she was somewhat assured in knowing the the Young Man would be off to school soon, and they could go their separate ways. She dared not ask herself if that was what she really wanted.

Categorized as Erotica

Summer of Dan, Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – [](

Jean was a woman on a mission. As *her* young man backed up and on to the bed. As he climbed on, he moved most of the way onto his bed, as she climbed right on. her mind was on having that cock inside her, and she quickly mounted him. She was grabbing for his dick, she *wanted* it in side her, she wanted to *feel* it control her.

As his toy positioned herself, Dan forced her to slow and said “Look at me, toy…*look*. Seeing that she was he said, “My toy takes birth control, right?” He figured the old man had no time for kids, & seeing her slight nod confirmed she was on the pill, not that he really cared right now. The look of determination on her face was *very* sexy, knowing this hot Milf wanted him, so he added “And let me hear it as I slide in.”

Categorized as Erotica

Summer of Dan, Chapter 05

(OK so that’s two in one day! Will try to publish tomorrow, then I suspect I will fall into my normal pattern of only 1-2 posts per week. If there are any ladies reading this, I would really appreciate your thoughts on Jean nd her mental development. Thanks so much for reading!)

Chapter 4 – [](

Walking back to the large chair in the bedroom, Dan removed a tablet from the bag he had with him, and pointed to a spot for his toy to stand. Sitting in the chair, Dan said “toy, normally I know you do not clean and that is fine, but today is a bit ‘different’. As I am working on this for school, which won’t take long, I want you to pickup all the clothes off the floor.” Dan then flashed his shark-smile, “You are to do so one piece at a time, and when you pick them up, you are to bend only at the waist, understand?” He could tell by his toy’s reaction that it understood, so as he spent the next few minutes doing busy work, he enjoyed watching his toy, dressed in lingerie, bending over for him. The black lingerie suited her quite well. It only *just* covered her nipples, and the G-string panties gave a nice rearview. His toy understood the game, as he tried to look nonchalant, and she bent and arched just so, in order to show her best attributes. Too bad this little show only took a few minutes. Dan then had her stop beside him, and moving the small tablet bit, he made sure that he showed her his doubled-over dick in his underwear, before he directed her to sit at her vanity and continue getting ready. Setting the tablet aside, he sat and watched his toy, taking in the view, noting her smile. She appeared to enjoy that.

Categorized as Erotica

Summer of Dan, Chapter 04

Chapter 3 – [](

Dan waited until he saw his Entertainment Unit’s car finally left the parking lot, then texted. “See you in a few days.” Walking back in using a different entrance, he was careful not to make eye contact with anyone, as he strolled nonchalantly thru Belk’s. Approaching the same dressing room, but from a different angle, he stepped quickly in. As soon as he was on, he dragged the old chair to the center of the enclave and standing on it, he plucked the fake smoke detector that held a hidden camera from the false ceiling, and another from the bottom edge of the mirror. Dropping them both into his small pack, he exited the enclave and, meeting Chad at the door, he gave him a handshake as he left. This ‘handshake’ contained a $50, and Dan added “for your silence.” Chad smiled, and walked away, as he had some signs to remove before his relief clocked in.

Summer of Dan, Chapter 03

Chapter 02: [](

The afternoon was a bit of a blur for Jean. The boy simply let himself out, and she was left there on the bed to collect herself. For the longest she remained in her mental shell; Jean was caught between the feeling of being blackmailed and the loss of control, and the fact that she had experienced a **powerful orgasm**. After the boy left, she drifted off for a bit, then awoke, with barely enough time to make sure the house was clear of most evidence of the morning’s events before the maid returned to finish cleaning and start dinner. Jean informed the maid she was not feeling well, and was going to nap. She also asked the maid to make dinner and have it in the oven, so her and Frank, her husband, could have it “privately.” During her nap, she had constant dreams of sex, all of it very general. No faces, nothing specific, more related to how it felt to lose control, and that was something she had not experienced in years. Jean woke to the noise to Frank entering the garage. The afternoon’s events, plus the dreams, had given her an immediate need for control, & made her incredibly horny as well, so much so that she practically attacked poor Frank as entered the house, tearing his clothes off him, pushing him to the couch, and giving him the fucking of his month, if not his life. Jean’s need for control satisfied, they had their dinner cold.

Summer of Dan, Chap. 02

Chapter 1:  [r/Erotica – Summer of Dan, chap. 01](

Summer of Dan, chap. 02

Dan nodded, smiling, as he sat back down. “Looks like the entertainment unit may work the kinks out after all…” In just a moment, her ass was thrust back towards him, and damned if that wasn’t one of the nicest he had ever seen, 30+ or not “Hold that” he said. Normally this was when a guy would take a picture, but Dan wasn’t going there…*today* Instead, he enjoyed looking at how her ample pussy filled out the bikini. His moth was watering, he he noticed that jean was ever so slightly sawing those hips, and the look was mesmerizing.

Jean was mentally retracting herself into that place she went when she had to hide. It was a place that she had used many times in the course of working her way to being at the arm of such a prominent man. Some called it a bimbo, which she hated, but she called it necessary. Her moves *were* perhaps a bit rusty & mechanical, it had been awhile, but after a minute or so when she turned, her nipples were poking out just a bit. Looking at the boy, there was a surprisingly large bulge in his shorts, so little doubt as to where with would go. She knew she had to keep it up, to just let it happen, and bide her time.