Sunday Morning [mf]

Daybreak arrives far too quickly. Our bedroom softly glows, lit by a morning sun filtering through the trees. Half-awake, half-asleep, my mind reluctantly emerges from a wonderful dream – a dream replaying memories of last night's sexual reverie. As I drift into consciousness, I become aware of a presence in bed with me. That presence is you: under the sheets, hidden from view, inspecting my body. Not wanting to distract you, I lay quietly while you continue your exploration.

Your body lays at a right angle to mine. I can't see what you are doing, but I can feel it. I feel your warm breath on the hairs of my leg. I feel your fingernails along my inner thighs, inching upwards towards my crotch. I feel your hair running across my sensitive skin as you move, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Hovering over my flaccid member, you run your fingertips across its length. You gently take hold of it, the warmth of your hands starting my blood to flow. You softly roll it between your fingers, pausing occasionally, as if inspecting a new-found plaything for the first time.