We’ve all had that one teacher.. Part2 [Fpov, threesome, tied up]

Part 1:[Here ]

“You lying cunt!” Says Lilly with a shocked smile “Why didn’t you just admit it? I knew it!”

I wanna die of embarrassment.

“Nothing was happening Lilly, it’s not…”

She interrupts:

“You LITERALLY have CUM all over you” walks towards me “There’s cum in your fucking bellybutton and even on your feet?!” she bends down and inspects my feet, then turns to Mr.Whitlock and laughs “Damn, teach! Big load!”

I blush and hold my breath. This girl has no shame! How can she talk to our teacher like that? I look at him, waiting for him to scold her. Nothing.

Lilly walks towards the door “I should probably report you guys”

My heart skips a beat. Mr.Whitlock jumps and grabs her arm “Don’t do it Lilly, i’m sorry.”

*I’m sorry?*

“I knew something was up with you.” Says Lilly “I kept asking both of you. You both lied to me.”

*I kept asking both of you?*

I can’t believe my ears.

There’s definitely something going on between them. I feel sick. Why didn’t she tell me?

They keep arguing. He explains:

We’ve all had that one teacher.. [Fpov]

We all had that one teacher..

“Teacher-student kink is extremely inappropriate! You shouldn’t say these!” i told my best friend Lilly as i started packing my books.

“C’mon Mina, i know for a fact you’re into him as well.”

“I’m not! Why on earth would you make that assumption?”

Lilly took a notebook that i was putting in my backpack, opened it and started flipping pages, pointing her finger at any stupid little poem that i had written about him.

Defeated, i took the book and closed it angrily.

“You know what” i sighed, “whatever.”

I left, letting her have her victory this time. I don’t care if it’s obvious that our professor is into me, or that it’s obvious that i’m into him, or that we have so much chemistry that i’m always hypnotized in his class, or that his eyes make me forget that i’m breathing, or that …_Oh shit! he’s coming this way!_

I feel like there’s a big hole in my chest. I can feel my face getting hot as my pussy comes alive, throbbing as fast as my heart. _Hide it. Bury it. This isn’t right._


Categorized as Erotica