Sophomore year of college, I got passed around a group of girls as a pussy eating FWB. Part 4. A party at my former FWB’s house over winter break, leads to a new FWB. (M/F 20) (oral sex) (fucking) (FWB)

As I said, in the last chapter, Gigi and I pretty much hooked up from right before Thanksgiving break all the way until Christmas break. We just hooked up whenever she was up for it, but I was starting to sort of develop feelings for her. I had not told her that. Christmas break was almost a month long and Sharon (my former FWB), decided to have a belated New Year’s eve party while her parents were out of town.

Sharon’s parents were quite wealthy and she lived in an enormous house, so she had all of the girls she lived with and all of us guys from across the hall, come stay at her parents house. There were also gfs and bfs invited. So, Sharon was there with her bf, my roommates had gfs, and my stomach dropped, when Gigi introduced me to her boyfriend.

“Hey, this is my bf, Tom,” and I pretended that it was very casual meeting him, but she could probably tell that I was disappointed.

“Hey Tom.”

At some point, Tom left to go to the bathroom or something and Gigi dragged me off alone. “I’m sorry, Tom and I were broken up, but we got back together over break. We’ve been together a long time.”

Sophomore year of college, I got passed around a group of girls as a pussy eating FWB. Part 3. Fooling around on a train. (M/F 19/20) (oral) (fucking) (public fingering/handjob)

After I ate Gigi out and fucked her that morning, we both got ready, packed our bags, and then Gigi and I walked to the train station together. The train was crowded for Thanksgiving, but we managed to get two seats next to each other. It was cold on the train and we snuggled up under my coat, like a blanket. Gigi wanted the window seat, so she could look out the window. I was snuggled up close to her, so we were looking out the window with our faces close together and chatting about the scenery, as it went by. She had her hair up, in a pony tail and I kept noticing her nice, soft neck right there near my face, and her cheek.

Sophomore year of college, I got passed around a group of girls as a pussy eating FWB. Part 2 (M/F 19/20) (oral) (fucking)

My FWB, Sharon, ended up getting back together with her boyfriend, so we stopped our activities, much to my disappointment. I was still friends with her and all of her roommates, who lived across the hall from me in my apartment building. Sharon had a roommate named Gigi, who was probably the quietest of the roommates. Gigi had dark hair, almost black, she was petite and she had a just a nice regular body. Not chubby, not thin, just sort of nice. I thought she was pretty cute, although she wore too much makeup. I guess she had small to medium sized tits and a pretty good ass.

Gigi was friendly with her roommates and us, but she definitely was less outgoing. She seemed like a homebody, many times just staying to herself in the apartment, rather than going out or even coming across the hall to our apartment. At Thanksgiving break, we had no classes on Wed, Thurs and Fri, but some people who lived farther away just skipped class on Mon and Tues to make it a whole week off and some people had no class on Tues. Both my roommates and Gigi’s roommates fell into that category, so we were the only two people in our two apartments on Tuesday night. We both had a test late in the day Tuesday, so we could not leave campus early.

Sophomore year of college, I got passed around a group of girls as a pussy eating FWB. Part 1 (M/F 19/20) (oral)

I had my first regular FWB my second year of college. I don’t think I really met Sharon freshman year of college, although I vaguely remember her always being with a boyfriend. Sharon and her roommates lived across the hall from my roommates and me the second year of college. All of us became good friends and hung out all of the time.

Sharon was not really my type, but she was attractive. Her face was actually beautiful. She had sparkly eyes and nice, blond hair. She had a really beautiful mouth and a nice smile. She was a little bigger than I typically go for. Not fat at all, just sort of wider hips, maybe a bigger ass than I usually went with. I was always into thin, petite girls and she was just more curvy than that – pretty good size tits – must have been a C or a D cup. She was also maybe an inch taller than me.

My work wife, Alex, and I move from friends to lovers. [M30,F23], [oral], [fucking], [slow build]

When I was about 30 years old, I worked at a small, but growing company. I had been there for years, starting when there were fewer than 20 of us and the company had grown to almost 100, by the time I was 30. For some reason, this particular field of science was filled with young, attractive women, so the company became a lot more interesting to me over time, as one of the few young, single men there.

I had a gf outside of work for awhile, but we moved on and I was back to being single. I was not specifically looking to hook up with someone from work, but there were certainly some possibilities.

There was one young woman in particular, who was 23, pretty fresh out of college, who was just absolutely stunning. I am going to call her Alex, even though that was not her real name, because the celebrity she most resembled was the women’s professional soccer play, Alex Morgan, just to give you an approximate idea of her appearance. Similar body and facial features. I was higher up in the company than her, but she did not report to me in anyway. I was responsible for training her in many tasks because she was taking on some of my old duties. So, we spent a lot of time together and we had a lot of fun.

My friend from night school and I relieve each other’s boredom and loneliness before class. Chapter 3 (M/F 25) (Mutual Masturbation) (webcam) (fucking)

(for any new readers, this happened in the early 2000s, so that is why the technology is antiquated)

Phoebe and I did not have class on Thursday night, so I did not get to see her. I decided to take advantage of the time, by studying for the exam we had coming up next week. This exam had a lot of memorization.

I had the TV on in the background, books out, notes out on the coffee table, when my cellphone rang. It was Phoebe. She had called my cellphone literally once before tonight. One time I gave her my number, so she could find a few of us from class at a bar. It was strange, but nice to hear her voice on the phone. She sounded softer than in person, maybe almost timid.

“Hi, Phoebe?”

“Yep, hi, sorry for calling you. I had your cell phone number. Are you home?”

“Yes, studying for the exam.”

“Nerd…just kidding, I am too.”

“I have to get an A to get 100% reimbursement from my employer, so I’m studying.”

“Me too. So, do you have notes from Wed before last? I was out that night.”

My friend from night school and I relieve each other’s boredom and loneliness before class. Chapter 2 (M/F 25) (Masturbation) (Blowjob) (cunnilingus)(exhibitionism)

That night, I went home after class and it was after 11pm by the time I got home. I thought I would briefly watch TV before heading to bed. I found myself sniffing my fingers some more, the fingers that had been inside Phoebe earlier that evening. It was giving me a boner, bringing back the memory of my fingers in her wet vagina, making me imagine giving her oral. I am not even sure that her scent was actually still lingering on my fingers or if I was imagining it at this point, but I got up to wash my hands. I did not want to masturbate and the scent of her pussy, just made me want to jerk off all night long.

My friend from night school and I relieve each other’s boredom and loneliness before class. Chapter 1 (M/F 25) (Masturbation) (Blowjob) (Slow build)

After college, I worked at my first real job for several years and they started a program that would pay for university courses, so I decided to enroll in a Master’s degree program at night. I was 25 years old and I lived in the city, but worked out in a far away suburb. Really, you might call it an exurb. The area was dotted with tech companies, but still had farm fields. So, the landscape was a huge highway, farmland on either side, and occasional, brand new, enormous office buildings. There were a few strip malls, but it was not like a typical American suburb with tons of strip malls. There were just a few scattered about with empty fields and forest between them.