Future Wars. Future Women [Fm][Scif-Fantasy][Fdom] Part One

Note: I write these with my BF, part of our fantasy has us casting our characters with out favorite xxx and movie stars lol… enjoy! :)

In the silence of space, among the vast ocean of stars, a bright pink light glimmers like a diamond on a glittered velvet gown. Suddenly, cutting fast across the vast plane; a small starship piloted by the beautifully heroic Amber Rayne, races at warp speed away from two rouge pirate crafts.

Checking Her gauges, the ship warns of unstable operations. The Pirates have dealt some heavy damage in their attacks, Amber desperately tries to think of a way to gain the upper hand.

Calling into Her headset, “Mother, paging Mother over! I’m under attack and it’s looking critical. I don’t know if I’ll make it to home base…!” Amber waits for a radio back. Nothing. She looks to the glimmering pink light far off, Home She thought, then She checks for the pirates. One ship cuts in behind Her, hot on Her tail. The other ship hangs right to flank Her.