The harem bitch

Now, I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this, but honestly I don’t know of any other location.

People have been asking rather pointed questions about the dynamics of my lifestyle. Tonight we talk about the bitch. Now it needs to be said that while I’m describing a particular event, this happens all the time in many different ways.

The room is dark and there’s a fan going. In the middle of the room is my massive 4 poster bed (beautiful to look at, bad for bondage), and beside that on the floor is a small thin mattress. On that mattress is a girl who’s been hogtied with soft silk scarves. This one I’ve named bambi. She’s blindfolded, and the fan generates enough noise that she can’t hear what’s going on in the next room. Being the bitch of my harem, she’s used to this and waits patiently for whatever I have planned.